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I have configured SAML authentication on the Command center and an ADFS server for a domain.
Everything works but there is one small thing i don’t get to work.
If i logon and enter the username the redirect to the ADFS servers works but, i need to enter the username a second time. Is there an option to send the username with the SAML redirect?

What feature release are you on, it shouldnt be prompting for username the second time.

@Pieter , gentle follow up to see if you’ve had a chance to look at this.

@Pieter , following up to see if you’ve had a chance to look at my post above.


If i logon and enter the username the redirect to the ADFS servers works but, i need to enter the username a second time. Is there an option to send the username with the SAML redirect?

 @Pieter , to clarify, are you saying you enter your username, it redirects you to ADFS where you authenticate, then Command Center is making you re-enter those same credentials?

Or that you enter credentials at command center and have to re-enter at the ADFS redirect itself?

Does this behavior work the same way with your other applications using ADFS?

@Pieter , did you get a chance to create an incident for this?  I searched for your name and not seeing anything recent.

The version is 11.20.36

This is what i get with the command center:

This is what i get with other applications:



If i logon and enter the username the redirect to the ADFS servers works but, i need to enter the username a second time. Is there an option to send the username with the SAML redirect?

 @Pieter , to clarify, are you saying you enter your username, it redirects you to ADFS where you authenticate, then Command Center is making you re-enter those same credentials?

Or that you enter credentials at command center and have to re-enter at the ADFS redirect itself?Does this behavior work the same way with your other applications using ADFS?

@Mike Struening 
Sorry for the late answer.

  1. I give in my username on the command center.
  2. The command center redirects to the ADFS login page.
  3. On the ADFS page i need to re-enter the username on the login page.

    With other software like office 365 i don’t need to re-enter my username.

Hey @Pieter , wanted to follow up one last (gentle) time to see if you either resolved this or opened a support case.


Hey @Pieter , wanted to follow up one more time tos ee if you either resolved this or opened a support case.


No problem, @Pieter !  I unmarked the Best answer accordingly.

To summarize then, we are not passing along the login attempt to the ADFS page.

Unless others have ideas, I would suggest opening a support case for this issue.  Let me know the case number so we can track and update this thread.
