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The commvault client failed to install when manually installing and now we get the window of “Unfinished installation detected”  Resume install OR Clean up unfinished installation and start over.  I would like to run the Clean Up Unfinished installation and Start Over but this radio button is not selectable.  I have seen this in the past and I believe there is a registry setting that can be changed to make that option selectable. Does anyone know the registry setting?  Using Version 11.24.34

Found from a previous post by Damien Andre…..if I did this then client install starts up as normal.



Remove: C:\ProgramData\Commvault

Remove: C:\Program Files\Commvault

Remove reg key: HKLM\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems

Remove reg key: HKLM\SOFTWARE\GalaxyInstallerFlags



You can take those steps and force the installer to start “like new” because you are basically tricking it into thinking there is nothing installed.


In a situation where an install is failing, we prefer to review the logs to see what was causing the failure before we attempt a reinstall.  This reduces the “circle of failures” that can occur.


The typical logs to check would be install.log and updateinfo.log depending on where the failure is occurring.