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I want SQL query to fetch all the virtual machines in the environment which has Virtual Server agent in it, i..e VSA clients. Is there a documentation wherein i can get simPackageId for all different agents. 

@Rahul Nair 

Please try with the API and let us know if this helps:

Rest API and get-cvvirtualmachine is returning lot of information, I only need list of all the VM Names so that i can add it in a List.

Get-CVVitualMachine list above details of all the VMs. Is there way wherein i can only fetch “name” of all the VMs from this output.

Hello @Rahul Nair 

Could you please check the query mentioned here and see if that helps:


Rajiv Singal

Thanks this is giving the VM Names, is there a query which will help to list both VMname, Vcenter Name in which it is configured


VmName, VCenterName

Looking for a SQL query which returns this output as per attached screenshot, i need this to use it further to run bulk VM level backups using guid or vm uuid. 

