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I'd like to ask you a question about commvault license sku.

I want to know the difference between CV-DR-VM and CV-BKRC-VM10 SKU.

No CV-DR-VM required for CV-BKRC-VM10 purchase?

Do I need to purchase CV-DR-VM to use VMware Replication (LIVESYNC) capabilities? Or can I also use the feature with CV-BKRC-VM10?

Hi @KIM TH ,

The CV-DR-VM10 SKU does not grant any entitlement to protect virtual machines; it only grants Live Sync capabilities.

The CV-BKRC-VM10 SKU contains backup entitlements but no DR capabilities.

The best is to speak to your Account Manager so he can check and confirm what you need.

Best Regards,


Thank you for your reply.
