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 I want to set up SAML for a customer who uses Azure AD as identity provider.
SAML application has been configured in Azure AD and Identity server in CommCell too. 
However, logging fails.


The logs says:

3328  1dd0  08/30 14:30:44 ### cvldap() - CvLdap::simpleBind(3241): -Debug-: ldap bind error. r49]
3328  1dd0  08/30 14:30:44 ### EvSecurityMgr::getADUserInfoFromEmail() - Failed to get login details for email msvc_infrtgr_cvtest_r]
3328  126   08/30 14:30:44 126 ### GetUsernameFromADEmail - Failed to resolve AD username for given user email.
3328  126   08/30 14:30:44 126 ### Login_V1 - User could not be determined based on email

Is the issue occurring for all the user or for few users?

Please check if the wrong SMTP is given in the SAML app.

We need to check the user ID in database and their SMTP addresses.

Hi Navneet,

I have used two user accounts with the same result
Email suffix is entered. Where should I enter smtp?



You can check that here. Also login to SQL mgmt studio and check those user IDs details.

You can raise a support case as well so we can have a look in the DB.

