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Hi Vaulters,


We have all our Storage policies Primary copies being backed up to our main backup Disk Library while the data being Deduped.


We acquired a new Tape Library and wanted to use it as a storage for secondary copies, i.e., we want to create a secondary copy for each Storage Policy using the Tape Library.


Our main concern is the Deduplication, how the secondary copy to Tape handles the Deduplication on the Main disk Library ? Does the Dedupe cause any issue ?



Hello @Commvault Engineer 

Deduplication is “Copy Specific” and does not carry over across copies. Each Copy will need to be associated to a different DDB and unfortunately Deduplication to Tape is not supported. We can only write non-deduplicated data to tape.


Thank you,

Thanks, Colin, I already read somewhere that Dedup on Tape is not supported.


Just to confirm one more thing, does that mean, If we configure a secondary copy to tape from a Primary one which is stored on disk and has Dedup enabled, the copy will automatically reconstruct the blocks of that specific job copy, even if it is deduped on the primary one on disk ?


Just to confirm one more thing, does that mean, If we configure a secondary copy to tape from a Primary one which is stored on disk and has Dedup enabled, the copy will automatically reconstruct the blocks of that specific job copy, even if it is deduped on the primary one on disk ?



Yes.  The full data (non-deduplicated) will be ready from Primary and sent to the Secondary copy.


Just to confirm one more thing, does that mean, If we configure a secondary copy to tape from a Primary one which is stored on disk and has Dedup enabled, the copy will automatically reconstruct the blocks of that specific job copy, even if it is deduped on the primary one on disk ?



Yes.  The full data (non-deduplicated) will be ready from Primary and sent to the Secondary copy.


Thanks, @Scott Moseman for the confirmation :)
