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we are having issue with our backups 

with the cluster config while running the backup on the client gettig below error

the jobs kept on going to pending state 

when we tried to run one of the node we got below error , we have checked the telnet connection from cleint to MA 8403 and its working 


Hello @Ajal 

Thanks for your query!

First snip is pointing towards network connectivity issues, check if there is stable network connectivity between involved client and media agent.

For the second snip, run CVping from client to MA and vice versa on port 8400 and 8403, please ensure hostname resolution is working.

To trouble check readiness issue, you may refer to below link - 


@Tanuj Balani We have checked all and its working,there is no connctivty issue between these all are on same vlan,


check telnet from both client MA and vice versa,

only thing we didn check is name resolution but in the error it says its failed to establish tunnnel from source ip to MA

and we have dns in place other client back ran sunccessfully

@Ajal if network connectivity is not the issue, then check readiness test should work for the client.

If that’s not the case, then attach cvfwd.log from the affected client. 

Please specify client hostname (cluster and nodes), CS/MA hostname to review.

look for duplicate ip addresses in the network

@Ajal Please also make sure if you have host file entries between client and media and vice versa. 


Rajiv Singal

@Rajiv is it required if we have proper dns setup and name resolution working fine 

@Ajal I am suggesting this as per the error message. Mostly if DNS is working fine there is no need for host file entries. You can test it once, if it does not make any difference you can remove it. 

If you are putting a thought to make host file entries, please make sure to restart (Stop and Start) commvault services on client and media and then check the backup status. 


Rajiv Singal



now we are getting this , sometime its open some times  getting below error ,we dont have a firewall in between , client side firewall is off 


now its open 

 i checked the netstatus all the ports are in listening state from MA 


@Ajal Is there is any AV running on this MA? Crowd strike or any other type of AV? Have you applied exceptions? Can you check event viewers logs further?


Rajiv Singal

@Rajiv nothing installed ,even MA to COmmserv we are having disccusin when checking the cvfwd.log


for MA we are using Nic Teams in Switch independent mode

@Ajal You should further work with your Network team and capture packets (Wireshark) between client and media and find out the cause why connections are dropping.


Rajiv Singal

@Rajiv we created one way firewall and it seems working now , not sure what is the issue 

Hi Ajal,

there might be a tunnel drop on the VLAN switch. Some switches are by default configured to drop tunnels/connections after some (short) idle time. The behaviour you describe fits perfectly to that, especially when considering that one-way tunnels are actively kept alive by the initiating component (client or MA, depending on the direction of the one-way connection) which might be the reason why you don’t see that behaviour anymore. Please check with your network hosting team if there are any connection/tunnel drops on the switches due to idle time limits passed when not using one-way firewall communication.


