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Hello Commvault Community,


We have this situation:

There are MS SQL servers that have transaction logs backup during the day. Full backups are made only outside working hours.

Sometimes, however, it happens that during the day, for some reason (the logs show that communication with the media agent was interrupted), a broken chain is made and the transaction logs backup is converted to full.

Unfortunately, we can't do full house during the day, because it overloads the source servers.

What we tried to do:
1. Uncheck "convert" in the subclient properties - it did nothing, the backup was still converting.
2. Do a "full data management" subclient blackout window for these servers within business hours.

The workaround for blackout windows should work in theory, but if the conversion takes place, the job is still process in the JobController as "transcational log" and not full (although in reality it is already full). This is probably why the blackout window does not cover this job.
The question is: what to do so that in the case of conversion to full, the job stops and waits until the evening.

Or maybe there is a workaround to this problem?



Hello Kamil , 

Thank you for reach out. As you have mentioned that SQL T-log backup is getting converted to full due to communication with the media agent was interrupted. It is best advised to look and resolve the communication failure between SQL client and MA rather implementing a work around. 





Hello @karthickcr 

I fully understand it and thanks for the advice, but in case it would not be possible, are there workarounds for such situations?



There are certain situation a SQL tlog backup will convert that is not preventable. Unchecking those conversion rules would not matter. In this case if a log backup was processing data and then a failure occurred, Commvault does not have complete data so the conversion is required to be able to restore. Without conversion all tlog backups after that would not be restorable since each one if required.

Hello @Scott Reynolds 

Of course, I realize that in the case of a broken chain, until there is a conversion, it will not be possible to recover the data from that moment, but this would be a conscious action.

One of the Customer would like to have the option that a job that has been converted to full should be treated by blackout window configurations as regular full, and not as a transaction log - in the event that this happens, the job should be stopped according to this blackout window - it's probably one more "if" in the code, and at this point the blackout window in such a scenario is useless, because the only time it's useful is if a normally scheduled full will process much longer than usual. It seems to me that it should be used just in case of unforeseen situations, such as this conversion to full, which someone may not want in a specific blackout window.

Do you think that creating a CMR in Commvault support may result in the acceptance of such an application, or will it be rejected for some specific reason?


@Kamil I am not certain on what the requirement or difficulty on implementing this however I think that is a valid CMR.

If you want to go ahead and open a support case, you can reference myself and this thread and share the case number with me and I will follow-up with dev and CMR creation.


@Scott Reynolds 


Thanks Scott for the hint on this topic, I escalated the thread to CV support as CMR - Incident 230816-271

If you would be so kind, you can also speak up on this matter to put additional pressure on creating such a solution for the Blackout Window configuration.

Thanks for the help!

Kind Regards,


We have created a CMR for this issue. 404922.

This can be tracked via cloud dashboard. 

Thanks for your help @Scott Reynolds Scott on this topic!


Kind Regards,
