
Database removed from subclient by SQLiDA

  • 27 May 2021
  • 2 replies

Userlevel 4
Badge +13


I recently discovered that we where missing backing up a database on a client. Asking around no one remembered removing the database in question from the subclient. Luckely this is a sandbox system, that also means we only keep 7 days of backups. Looking over them all of them was missing the database.So I looked in the SQLiDA.log file and had to scroll back all the way until March 1:st. On that day something happened. At the time of the backup, IntelliSnap, it seems the database is missing on the SQL server for whatever reason. As I understand it, the SQLiDA checks the sublient content and then checks the SQL server. If a database is missing on the SQL server the SQLiDA removes that database from the sublient, with as far as I know no notification!?! And the backup was marked as successfull!!

I understand that the database would go into the default subclient, and would be backed up there. But in our case the original sublient is doing Intellisnap backups, due to the size of the database and the default one isn’t. It doesen’t do them as frequent either.

I hope I have this backwards and that I am missing an event or alert or something.

Or isn’t there a notification anywhere that a subclient content was changed?


Below is a snippet of the logfile.

92c  03/01 17:00:14 2275814 CSQLBackup::generateCollectFile(706): -Info-: Getting the list of databases from the subclient content for a snap FULL backup job
10336 192c  03/01 17:00:14 2275814 CSQLBackup::isJobInitiatedFromOSC(11851): -Warn--: Job is not initiated from OSC [5].
10336 192c  03/01 17:00:14 2275814 CSQLCommon::getSubclientType(2191): -Debug-: SubclientType [1]
10336 192c  03/01 17:00:14 2275814 CSQLBackup::generateSQLCollectFile() - Time taken to auto-discover databases = 0.007837
10336 192c  03/01 17:00:14 2275814 CSQLBackup::GenerateStreamInfoFile(528): -Debug-: Added stream count [2] to stream info file [C:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\iDataAgent\JobResults\CV_JobResults\2\0\2275814\].
10336 192c  03/01 17:00:14 2275814 CsqlDMO::InitializeCOM() - <COM> - Already initialized.
10336 192c  03/01 17:00:14 2275814 CSQLBackup::getOnDemandFilePath() - Cant get the value of EX_EX2_EXJ_OnDemandFilePath On Demand reg value under key  MSSQLAgent Performing normal backup!
10336 192c  03/01 17:00:14 2275814 CSQLCommon::isSkipSharepointContentDB(2531): -Debug-: Register key [nSkipRBSdb] NOT found, by default, skipping sharepoint content database.
10336 192c  03/01 17:00:14 2275814 CSQLClientDll::lookupSpContentDBbyClientId(6289): -Debug-: Using Client id [666] to get list of databases being protected using SPiDA.
10336 192c  03/01 17:00:14 2275814 CSQLClientDll::lookupSpContentDBbyClientId(6303): -Warn--: Empty database list received from server..
10336 192c  03/01 17:00:14 2275814 CSQLBackup::generateSQLCollectFile() - Database [EX2] found in content.
10336 192c  03/01 17:00:14 2275814 CsqlDMO::isDatabaseExists() - Error: .
10336 192c  03/01 17:00:14 2275814 CSQLBackup::generateSQLCollectFile(1284): -Warn--: Database (EX2) doesn't exist. It might have been deleted.
10336 192c  03/01 17:00:14 2275814 CsqlDMO::InitializeCOM() - <COM> - Already initialized.
10336 192c  03/01 17:00:14 2275814 CsqlDMO::isRecoveryModelSimple() - Error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object..
10336 192c  03/01 17:00:14 2275814 CsqlDMO::isDBInFullRecoveryModel(11223): -Error-: Error: [Object reference not set to an instance of an object.].
10336 192c  03/01 17:00:14 2275814 CSQLBackup::generateSQLCollectFile(1289): -Debug-: Database (EX2) doesn't exist, deleting it from subclient content.




Best answer by Ron Potts 27 May 2021, 15:55

View original

2 replies

Userlevel 3
Badge +7

Hello Henke,

You are correct and by default is a database is detected as deleted, it is removed from the Subclient contents. There are options available to modify this behavior however if you would like.


Configuring a Subclient to Not Remove Deleted Databases

Userlevel 4
Badge +13

@Ron Potts Okej, my personal opinion would be that atleast a note in the EventLog would be nice in such event. So it doesen’t get lost.
