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I get error message in db2 restore   “Rollforward failed “  any idea 


Error code: o59:3]

Description: Rollforward failed with DB2 error D ---- error report ---- app. message = rolling forward database line = 7655 file = ClDb2AgentLib.cpp SQLCODE = -1268 SQL1268N Rollforward recovery processing has stopped because of error "SQL2062" while retrieving log file "S0147627.LOG" for database "XXXXXDB" on database partition "0" and log stream "0". --- end error report --- ] on client ologAIX] for DB XXXXXXDB].
Source: logAIX, Process: ClDb2Agent

This is one of those situations where this will require a case, as the error alone won’t be enough to answer.

already i created case. still waiting.
