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Hello all,


I have some auxiliaries copies with deduplication and for some ddbs (not all) of these copies i have a partition offline, i cant see the reason for this because the configuration is the same between the 2 partitions, and i have some ddbs where this media agent is online.

This is an example where the partition is offline:



This an example where the same media agents have a partitioned ddb and they are both online:


What more can i see to make easy to understand what i am doing wrong?



João Amaral

And just to add, since this is happening the online partition is running out of space :/

Hello @jmiamaral 

The online partition is filling up because its handling the deduplication load for the other partitions as well. To continue data protection operations jobs will run while at least 1 partition is available. The negative is that the online partition has no record of the blocks in the other, so data is re-baselined on the online partition causing some bloating.


Regarding the offline parition there can be several causes both with the DDB itself or environmental.

SIDBEngine.log or CVMA.log on the Media Agent might reveal more information but a Support case can always be opened if needed.


Thank you,

I just wanted to know if anyone knew anything about this before opening a ticket.


No worries. We appreciate you coming to the forums. Let me know if you have any further questions regarding this.


Thank you,
