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Dedup DB Reconstruction Total Data Processed:0% after installing hotfix

  • 5 November 2021
  • 5 replies

I have this problem. this morning I install the hotfix on the client computer not knowing it will affect my ddb reconstruction ongoing now for 12hours now no update what can I do fast to fix this pls very urgent

Full Reconstruction
Last Job Update Time: 12 hours 52 minutes ago
Total Data Processed:0 Bytes

The Job Manager service was restarted.
Source: hq-vm-commserv, Process: JobManager

Hi @Alexzy 

As your DDB is in a degraded state with a recon in progress, if you need this checked with urgency, please raise a support case.

Community can help with general errors, questions, but if you need a timely response and you have a business impact, a support case is the best way forward.



find incident ID to the case 

Incident 211105-100

Glad you got a case open!  I see the logs have been uploaded, so I’ll keep an eye on the incident progress.

Thank you, Mike Always. Very proactive.

Looks like you were able to resolve it via the support engineer:

>> Requested to restart the MA server and try running it and update the status.

>> Once chkdsk completed, start all the CV services
>> Take the MA from maintenance mode
>> Kill the current DDB reconst job, wait for 5 minutes and run a new Full reconstruction by checking all the 3 options and update the status.

Recon completed and everything is online.

I’ll mark this as the Best Answer on your behalf!
