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Hi All,


maybe you can help us. 


During an human error the option: 

DDB horizontal scaling threshold number of subclients per DDB 1


was set to 1. This cause last night


DDB "xyz] crossed number of subclients threshold hence created a new DDB wxyz] for adding new Subclients.


Now we have 2 DDBs




So what happen is that all new subclients will be run against the ID:44 and all old one deduplicated against ID:41 


This happend also for another engine. 


The new created id is actually empty. Sealing did not help. also we tried:


qoperation agedata -delbystoreid -sid 44 ft Q_DATA_LOG


Actually running support case does also have no idear if and how can this ddb can be deleted. 


The problem is that we dont have enoug space in metallic cloud for running in baseline.


thanks for your help

Simply retire DDB


Don’t seal or run aging script. Use above retire option, that will seal the DDB and once all jobs on that DDB ages if there any, then DDB will be deleted automatically. 

Hi Prasad,


thanks a lot it helps. We had done the following steps:


  • create an new test subclient and start backup against the new ddb
  • run the script
  • delete the job
  • data aging
  • ddb was shown as sealed
  • after few moments ddb was gone


no hope no new ddb will be cerate but i think with the option -sealReason 6 it should not
