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I need to understand and unable to find a good documentation on the differences between the terms: 

Difference between Storage policy, storage pool, data path, mount path , Libraries ? How are they related ?

Hi @Jass Gill ,

There is not a single page/link, so you would need to search them one by one.

You can check these links:

Best Regards,

Sebastien Merluzzi

Hello @Jass Gill 

The Library is a logical entity representing a pool of storage that you write data to. The mount path represents the physical storage where the data is stored. There can be one or more mount paths within a library.

You can think of Storage Policy of “Where you back up your data to and how long you keep it”. It is a logical entity that you associate backups to and determines what Library the data will go to, what MediaAgents will be used for the backups that write the data to the Library, and how long you keep the data before it gets aged\pruned. You can see these associations in the Properties of the Copy (Primary, Secondary, Tertiary) under the Data Path and Retention Tabs. The Copies of the policy are redundant duplicates of the data stored on different Libraries for various reasons, usually lower cost storage with longer retention.

The Storage Pool is a logical entity combining a Global Dedup Policy with a Library. When creating a copy within a Storage Policy, you are prompted to select a Storage Pool (or create a new one). This will associate the Copy with a Library and Global Dedup policy.


Hope this helps.


Thank you,

Hello @Jass Gill 

The Library is a logical entity representing a pool of storage that you write data to. The mount path represents the physical storage where the data is stored. There can be one or more mount paths within a library.


Lets say I have 😨 on my physical CV server that I want to use as backup storage.
I create a folder D:\Backup and when I create disk storage I enter it as a Backup location (this is the path I presume)

Now I want to enter a different folder for my monthly backups (ex. D:\Backup\Monthly) and I add this path to the Storage I created.
When I create a new server plan I can only choose the storage and not the different path (ex. Monthly).

Am I missing something?
