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Hi All,


I would like to know whether it is useful to enable Commvault WORM when there is a Storage Worm (Hardware) enabled or not?

Is Storage hardware worm enough to protect the data?

Also, when deleting a job from Commvault, does the Hardware WORM prevent you from doing it?


Thanks & Regards

Hello @Adel BOUKHATEM 

If you are using hardware WORM, Commvault needs to be configured to acknowledge that, and that is done through enabling the settings within Commvault. This prevents several issues from occurring within Commvault.

Commvault WORM settings also do not prevent changes to data in the same way hardware\Cloud WORM does. Commvault has no actual WORM functionality like Object Lock (AWS), and simply set retention on blocks.

Enabling Commvault WORM settings on existing data with Hardware WORM enabled can potentially cause issues. Sometimes it is best to create a new bucket, Library, Storage Pool, and Policy and then running the WORM Workflow within Commvault (which configured Commvault and hardware WORM with the appropriate settings).

If you wish to enable Commvault WORM on the existing data can you confirm:

  • Did you set object lock at the bucket, account, or actual object level?
  • What is the object lock retention and what is the policy retention in Commvault?


Thank you,

Hello @Adel BOUKHATEM 

If you are using hardware WORM, Commvault needs to be configured to acknowledge that, and that is done through enabling the settings within Commvault. This prevents several issues from occurring within Commvault.

Commvault WORM settings also do not prevent changes to data in the same way hardware\Cloud WORM does. Commvault has no actual WORM functionality like Object Lock (AWS), and simply set retention on blocks.

Enabling Commvault WORM settings on existing data with Hardware WORM enabled can potentially cause issues. Sometimes it is best to create a new bucket, Library, Storage Pool, and Policy and then running the WORM Workflow within Commvault (which configured Commvault and hardware WORM with the appropriate settings).

If you wish to enable Commvault WORM on the existing data can you confirm:

  • Did you set object lock at the bucket, account, or actual object level?
  • What is the object lock retention and what is the policy retention in Commvault?


Thank you,

Hi @Collin Harper,


In case of only hardware WORM is chosen to be used :

  • Is it safe to use deduplication with the copies stored on the storage ?
  • What should be the set-up retention on the copies in that case ? Same as the storage WORM or a bit above (At least one day more than the storage one) ?

Thank you.

Hello @Adel BOUKHATEM 

When using WORM, Commvault WORM must be configured. Many issues can occur if you do not tell Commvault that the data is WORM.

WORM retention must be twice the Policy retention and DDB seal frequency must be the same as policy retention.


Thank you,

Hi @Collin Harper ,


Thanks a lot for your help and your time !


