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I have some old jobs in a legacy library that i’m trying to remove. But this jobs are retained (i don’t know when or why) because backup policy (DR system creted) has WORM enabled.

“Retain until” date from this jobs is over… data aging task do nothing. And i can’t modify this jobs manually

¿Any help? Tell me if more info needed


Hi @MTejedor !  Before we assume the retention has been met, can you run a Data Retention Forecast and Compliance report for the copy these jobs are on and see why they are showing as not yet pruned?

There’s likely more to it than we can immediately see.

Thanks Mike

Report done. Reason for not aging: Retained job

Jobs have the red icon, like when i retain a job manually. But i don’t remember do this action



You should be able to right-click and unpin them/un-retain.

If you run a GUI Audit Trail report, you can see who retained these (just be sure to set the time frame according to the job ages).

Audit Trail report was very useful, this jobs were retained manually for infinite by an admin user. It’s a worm copy… i  guess i’m on a trouble. Any script or workaround for deleting this old jobs?

@MTejedor , you can’t undo WORM copy.  Un-retaining the jobs might help, but WORM may inherit that aspect.

Did you try to un-retain them?

not possible lower aging date, or un-retain the jobs.

checking the audit trail report, every time i tried to lower or modify any job on this policy then was changed to infinite retention. Maybe i couldn fail one time, human error, but this happened 4 times. I don’t understand.


I’ll confirm, though I suspect that WORM is not going to let you un-retain the job as the retention can’t be changed on WORM copies.

Hi @MTejedor 


Could you please check that retention setting are using the default under the Schedule Policy or Schedule for the DR Backups? 

Find the Schedule that is executing those jobs → Edit → Advanced | Media TAB 

Check that Job Retention is set to Storage Policy Default 



Just checked, storage policy default is set. But i think this setting only will work for future jobs and not the old stored ones. Thanks @Juan Rosas 

worm copy + infinite retention =  eternal job in media

Maybe i will try delete (force?) the library

Hi @MTejedor 

yes, that is for new jobs only, if you need to remove those old jobs from a WORM enable copy then you need to open a support case for the same, we will assist in removing the WORM attribute after this you will be able to change retention or remove the jobs.





Ok i’ll open a support case with my partner

Thank you