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How to get the list of VM’s(same VM) that are configured in multiple Subclient?


I used to have the query in my vault, unfortunately lost completely. 


Appreciated your help. 

Good morning.  You could use the VM Backup report and filter by name.  It should show the multiple backupsets/subclients it has found.

Hey @Orazan : yes that's correct fetch the report from “VM Backup”. However, we have to do some excel formulas. 


But the SQL Script will give exact values as below. 




Any update?

Hello @Sudharshan Kumar 

What exact problem are we facing after running the report? May I know what SQL scripts are you running and against? Are you able to run the report, export to excel and apply the formulas? 

Please elaborate your requirement so that we can check accordingly. 


Rajiv Singal

@Sudharshan Kumar 
select * from VMsInMultipleSubclients

