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I have a questions about use of ephemeral ports.

What are the ports entered in: /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance001 ? Because these don't seem to be the ports updated after scope changes in linux OS.

for example:

>root@client14] # more /etc/CommVaultRegistry/Galaxy/Instance001/Runtime/.properties
CACHED_AppManager_network_access_v4 57915
CACHED_JobManager_v4 57930
CACHED_MediaManager_v4 57900
JobControlCVD_v4 51355
SAVED_JobControlCVD_v4 51355
SAVED_RecallService_v4 41347
SAVED_SysMonEventSink_v4 55189
argv0_0 /opt/commvault/Base/cvlaunchd
argv1_0 /opt/commvault/Base/cvd
argv2_0 /opt/commvault/Base/cvfwd
argv3_0 /opt/commvault/Base/ClMgrS
nCVDCCCPort 46791
name0 cvlaunchd
name1 cvd
name2 cvfwd
name3 ClMgrS
path0 /opt/commvault/Base/cvlaunchd
path1 /opt/commvault/Base/cvd
path2 /opt/commvault/Base/cvfwd
path3 /opt/commvault/Base/ClMgrS
sid0 1
sid1 2
sid2 3
sid3 4

Do the ports entered in ...Runtime/.properties become established only when installing the agent?
Do the ports entered in ...Runtime/.properties will not be changed when a new /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_local_port_range is set in linux OS?

Hi Michal,

>Do the ports entered in ...Runtime/.properties become established only when installing the agent?

  When software is installed SAVED ones are picked up by OS from ephemeral ports range available at that time of install and they will be reused every time service restarts.


>Do the ports entered in ...Runtime/.properties will not be changed when a new /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_local_port_range is set in linux OS?

 They won’t be changed unless the port specified under SAVED is not available. Here are 2 different ways.

  1. You can specify the port range here and the software will bind to the port range specified.

  2. Remove SAVED port entries and restart services. A new set of ports are picked up from the current OS local port range.





I came here to answer exactly like @Prakash did - he beat me to the punch 😁

Hope this answers your questions @Michal Osewski 

This is what I meant.Thank you @Prakash !

btw thanks @Damian Andre for good intentions! :)
