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We have upgraded out Commserve from FR24 to FR28.
I took hours to trouble shoot and upgrade the Commserve. We dit not have time to upgrade the media agents to FR28. This will happen in the next service Window.
Some of out customer upgraded the client to FR28. We are getting error in our backup.

Error Code: [80:267]
Description: Unsupported MediaAgent version.

1. Upgrade media agents. ( not possible today,  need new change)
2. Uninstall FR28 agent and reinstall FR24 agent.

3. Is there additional setting to ignore FR28 version?

Any other ideas?

Hi @CVadmin02 ,

bIgnoreVersionCheck is something different. 

The only other option I can think of is to create a share and backup that FR28 Client as a share from another FR24 Client/Subclient.

Best Regards,




