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Hello all,

as far as I remember, there was an additional setting to avoid the error “Not Run because of another job running for the same subclient” and “An Auxiliary Copy operation is already running for Storage Policy” in reports. Does the settings still exisit?


Thank you.

Hello Thomas,

Please check the queue conflicting jobs option:




Thank you, I tried this already. Problem is that there are many Queued jobs in job controller that cannot start. The better solution is not to start the jobs without errors in reports.


@ThomasG on the other hand why do you have so many queued jobs? is this as expected? have many jobs in the queue waiting for each other in most cases means that you're hitting a bottleneck somewhere or that you will have to chance the approach. 

Hello Onno,

Thank you, I know what you mean. Customer has scheduled Auxcopy every 30 min and translog jobs every 15 min. So this is expected and I know we have to redesign the schedules. But this was not my question.



Thank you, I tried this already. Problem is that there are many Queued jobs in job controller that cannot start. The better solution is not to start the jobs without errors in reports.


@ThomasG , can you clarify what you mean bt that last sentence?


Hello Mike,

as far as I remember, there was a setting like ..bIgnoreRunningJobs.. . e.g. auxcopy is scheduled every 30 min but it takes much longer and the new scheduled job is shown in report as: >19:579]: An Auxiliary Copy operation is already running for Storage Policy …


Maybe this setting satisfies your needs:

Hello Onno,

Thank you, I saw this already. Problem is all following jobs will be queued and we will have a new queued job every 30 min.

@ThomasG , took me a while to find, you were close!  It’s bignorejobsrunning, though it’s for install issues:

For interactive installs on a client computer, to skip the check for jobs running on the CommServe computer, use the registry editor to create this registry key on the computer where you are performing the installation, and set the value to 1.

I don’t recall an additional setting for auxiliary copies which results in what you are describing.
You would be better of editing the auxiliary copy schedule and use the option “Continuous” with a certain interval in minutes. This way an auxiliary copy needs to finish before another can start.

In regards of backups this can be partially achieved with an additional setting called:


This will start the job, but when it fails due to a conflicting job it will not register in the job history.

But again you would be better of editing the schedule and selecting the “Continuous” option, assuming your backup window will allow for deferred scheduling.

Hope this helps.

Hello Mike and Jos,

Thank you both.
