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We have several users accounts that first started as a local CommCell user and then later was Active Directory SSO enabled.  When I try to delete any of these users I get an error:

Transfer of Ownership

I am never prompted to select a new owner like I get on all the most recent users. 

I have tried manually transferring ownership then a delete but get the same error.

I have also tried deleting from either locations; CommCell Users and Domains And Organizations/Users. 

any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. 
Thank you.

Hello @commcelluser and welcome!

When this issue occurs, you likely also see the following log error message:


8008 1f9c 09/16 11:04:29 ### LibConfigSecurityProp::userOperation() - performUserOperationProc input xml::] , authorId ::1]

8008 1f9c 09/16 11:04:29 ### LibConfigSecurityProp::userOperation() - performUserOperationProc output::]

There’s a CMR (#321506) that has been created to address this issue, though for now, you can run this script to remove the user:

If you would like, I can have you added to the CMR itself.
