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Hi team,


we are in  a process of adding one more node and new node is imaged with 2.2 version where as existing three nodes are in HSX 2.1 version.

which option would be perfect, we need to downgrade new node to hsx 2.1 or

2. upgrade existing nodes from 2.1 to 2.2.  if yes, is it ok to just hedvig os upgrade to latest version using below cmd or is there any other procedure to follow.


a. -upgrade_hedvig_only

As per Document, its recommended to use 2 option

Hi @karthik S U 

2.x represent the CV & CDS version included with the ISO.

2.1 - SP20+CDS 4.2.3

2.2 - SP24+CDS 4.4

So if the older nodes are lower that 4.4, you need to upgrade. Also, if you run cvupgradesos-py -upgrade_hedvig_only, you would be upgrading to CDS 4.5.3

Post that you can run add nodes, which should first update the CDS rpm’s as well prior to adding nodes.


@R Anwar


thanks for the info.

action taken on this case.

upgraded hedvig to 4.5.3 

there was some issue while adding one node, however 11.24.30 Update on existing nodes fix the issues.


closing the thread.