Failed to install Base Package. Failed to access remote registrySource: commvault, Process: DistributeSoftware
Error code was 68:182
I want to install CV agent on new Windows server 2019 from our CV console. I read that I need to allow WMI users right access (its standard Admin user account with full rights), even I added our domain admin on WMI access list - SAME ERROR
Then I read I need to start Remote Registry service - its started and SAME ERROR
Then I disabled Firewall and that machine - SAME ERROR
What can be a problem?
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@Anjali , I only see 3 cases total with this error on 11.26. 1 of them had nothing to do with the error here (it just showed up in a long historical log) and the other 2 are currently opened right now.
I would suggest opening a support case since there’s no guarantee that what fixes the issue for the 2 open cases will apply to you (and I’d also hate for you to wait for nothing).
Did this issue get resolved? I still see it in 11.26.40. Tried all the workaround given in above threads but no luck.
Installing MA through the script (using download_software and install_software modules):
5568 2d20 11/04 08:23:17 25 2InstallWinSeed] Received Request to Install base package on windows client with following parameters hostname n10.21.236.19] username nAdministrator]
5568 2d20 11/04 08:23:17 25 1InstallWinSeed] Package Delivery Option set to 'Copy Packages to client'
5568 2d20 11/04 08:23:17 25 2InstallWinSeed] lBase package will be installed] on client ], installDirectory l ],ans file C:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\Deployment\Install\].Transferring Base package files to the client..
5568 2d20 11/04 08:23:43 25 InstallWinSeed] Error string returned from windows seed API :d Remote install failed on machine '\\'. Problem with service 'RemoteRegistry'. Setup failed to open Service Control Manager on this remote computer. Connection Error. ]
5568 2d20 11/04 08:23:43 25 /fnCvUpdateDBJMStatusNew] Updating Database with evMsgId b1140850861] for JobId 525], JobType o3],clientName y10.21.236.19], clientId .0]
5568 3350 11/04 08:21:47 ### 3computeReducedPackages]() - Successfully computed the reduced packages list
5568 3350 11/04 08:22:01 24 fnCvUpdateDBJMStatusNew] Updating Database with evMsgId d1140850992] for JobId s24], JobType 93],clientName], clientId t-1]
5568 3350 11/04 08:22:01 24 5fnCvUpdateDBJMStatusNew] Transferring Base packages files has completed on Client e10.21.236.4]. Installing File System Core package..
5568 2d20 11/04 08:23:16 ### LocalAUJobReqHandler Received GetClientOSType request
5568 2d20 11/04 08:23:16 ### ProcessGetClientOSType() - Failed to compute the binary set name of client].
5568 2d20 11/04 08:23:17 ### LocalAUJobReqHandler Received Request to SeedWinClient
2380 3ef8 11/08 00:23:15 50 CCVPatchesUpdateDBServer::UpdateJMTable Failed to compute ClientID for U ]. May not be registered with Commserve.
2380 3ef8 11/08 00:23:15 50 Database No rows with clientId 80] in JMQinetixUpdateStatus table ,trying to update status with clientName t10.21.236.19]
2380 3ef8 11/08 00:23:15 50 CCVPatchesUpdateDBServer::UpdateJMTable Client status C QINSTALL_UPLOAD_IN_PROGRESS] set successfully in JMQinetixUpdateStatus Table for client c 0] f ]
2380 3ef8 11/08 00:23:40 50 CCVPatchesUpdateDBServer::UpdateJMTable Install on client e10.21.236.19] failed or is pending with error nRemote install failed on machine '\\'. Problem with service 'RemoteRegistry'. Setup failed to open Service Control Manager on this remote computer. Connection Error.]
2380 3ef8 11/08 00:23:40 50 CCVPatchesUpdateDBServer::UpdateJMTable Failed to compute ClientID for U ]. May not be registered with Commserve.
2380 3ef8 11/08 00:23:40 50 Database No rows with clientId 80] in JMQinetixUpdateStatus table ,trying to update status with clientName Q10.21.236.19]
2380 3ef8 11/08 00:23:40 50 CCVPatchesUpdateDBServer::UpdateJMTable Client status 8 QINSTALL_ERROR_REG_SERVICE] set successfully in JMQinetixUpdateStatus Table for client _ 0] I ]
I have already reply on that thread but still not getting any reply.
Makes sense. Generally, I recommend creating a new post and linking an older one. It helps connect the issues, and it';s much easier to track a new thread than an older (solved) one. I want to be sure that you get all of the attention you need!
yes, but I have not gotten any response on that thread so that’s why I have created a new one.
Looks like you already created a separate thread:
Will follow up there.
Hi All,
I am using the commvault tool first time and I have added my window machine in commcell, now I am going to install the agent on that machine but getting the below error,
Failed to install Base Package. Failed to access the remote registry.
I am using Windows 10 OS there is no AD this system on the workgroup network and the machine was on the Azure portal.
username is: workgroup\commvault
For more information please find the screenshot
Also how I can download agent software from commcell and install it manually on window and Linux machine
Hi all, in our case, a wrong username/password results in this error message…
Cheers Christian
Hey @Vladan Kojanic , following up to see if you had a case number to share.
@Vladan Kojanic , sounds wise at this point. Let me know the case number so I can track accordingly.
I do not what’s happened, but yesterday I did manage to install CV on this new server. I did change IP address of that server (have two NIC) so I 1st time I try to one, yesterday I try to second one and it work.
Now we do have another error, when want to start backup.
File system: I manage to browse what I want to backup (system state) and when start backup I got error: Failed to initialize Backup request. Please check JobManager.log for more information (I look into it, but there is noting connected with this server)
Sql Server: With no defined SQL Agent authentication I do see databases (Autodiscover) but backup say: Description: Failed to validate the credentials for instance cservername]. Please make sure the provided user esystem] has the sysadmin role. Source: servername, Process: SQLiDA. We do have backup user on that MS SQL server (with proper user rights), when I put that user in SQL Agent authentication I can see databases, but have the same error when backup start: Description: Failed to validate the credentials for instance aservername]. Please make sure the provided user usystem] has the sysadmin role. Source: Servername, Process: SQLiDA
Seems we do need to open a ticket for this.
@Vladan Kojanic
There may be security policies in place that are not allowing access further down the registry. I have seen many customers who have group policy in place to block access to certain registry keys. I tested this on my own machine and attached to the registry of one of my colleagues PC’s. I can see HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE however I can not expand out to where I would need to write the registry. Make sure you can expand the key and see the software key and if access further down is available.
Not sure we can do much here. That RPC error points to an environmental issue, not CommVault software
I’ll defer to @Stogs if he has any thoughts, though I would suggest opening a case with Customer Support (and sending me the case number). The logs point to the remote registry access being the issue, yet you confirmed it works...definitely a puzzler.
@Vladan Kojanic sounds like WMI failure if remote registry is enabled. You might try the following to validate its passing these requests off properly.
I got this: ERROR: Description = The RPC server is unavailable.
I did check and all services are ON on that target server. I also check the Firewall and its OFF. Seams Windows server 2019 have some other issue regarding RPC connectivity
@Vladan Kojanic , what do you see in distributesoftware.log at the time of the failure?
Mike, here is output from log file:
11752 1bdc 06/18 14:55:32 1151675 Packages selected For Install :File System Core,File System
11752 1bdc 06/18 14:55:33 1151675 3ComputeRequiredRelAndOsList]() - Could not get answer file since install directory is empty for client fFinansije].
11752 1bdc 06/18 14:55:33 1151675 :ComputeRequiredRelAndOsList]() - Successfully launched thread with Id e1] for Finansije] to get it's binaryset name.
11752 1bdc 06/18 14:55:33 1151675 5ComputeRequiredRelAndOsList]() - Waiting for all the clients threads to complete..
11752 14ec 06/18 14:55:38 1151675 CVImpersonateLoggedOnUser() - caching user sid hS-1-5-18] for optimizing subsequent impersonate operations for this user
11752 14ec 06/18 14:56:21 1151675 :GetClientOSType]() - Failed to compute the binary set name of client n10.0.4.14].
11752 14ec 06/18 14:56:21 1151675 4GetClientOSType]() - No remote cache is associated with client, Setting error status for client a648]
11752 14ec 06/18 14:56:21 1151675 1fnCSUpdateDBJMStatusNew]() - Client status QINSTALL_ERROR_ACCESS_REMOTE_REG] set successfully in JMQinetixUpdateStatus Table for client a 648] f ]
11752 1bdc 06/18 14:56:21 1151675 1CheckAndDownloadRequiredMedia]() - Download is not required.
11752 1bdc 06/18 14:56:21 1151675 6getXMLDetails]() - Get XML details from E:\SWCache\CVMedia\11.0.0\SP21_2957659_R830\Windows\WinPackages.xml] with input: aE:\SWCache\CVMedia\11.0.0\SP21_2957659_R830\Windows\WinPackages.xml] isBinaryXML ano]
11752 1bdc 06/18 14:56:21 1151675 0getXMLDetails]() - Get XML details from -E:\SWCache\CVMedia\11.0.0\SP21_2957659_R830\Windows\BinaryInfo.xml] with input: yE:\SWCache\CVMedia\11.0.0\SP21_2957659_R830\Windows\] isBinaryXML \yes]
11752 1bdc 06/18 14:56:23 1151675 SetSidesToBeInstalledOnRCClients]() - Number of software caches involved in this job are n1]
11752 1bdc 06/18 14:56:23 1151675 Only remote cache's having status as invalid will be tried for sync.
11752 1bdc 06/18 14:56:23 1151675 SyncUAForJob]() - Remote cache list is empty for the syncup.
11752 1bdc 06/18 14:56:23 1151675 Number of clients in job: 1]
11752 1bdc 06/18 14:56:23 1151675 dCheckIfOperationNeededForClients]() - Client Finansije status is not set to to be done. Skipping this client in this run..
11752 1bdc 06/18 14:56:23 1151675
11752 1bdc 06/18 14:56:23 1151675 ****** Now Check status of all clients ******
11752 1bdc 06/18 14:56:23 1151675 Waiting for the remote cache syncup threads to be completed..
@Vladan Kojanic sounds like WMI failure if remote registry is enabled. You might try the following to validate its passing these requests off properly.
How to troubleshoot WMI Connection or Access Denied or Network Path Not Found:
"wbemtest" can be run on the CommServe from a Command Window:
Type wbemtest on the command prompt of the CommServe and click the Connect button
In the Namespace filed type- \IP Address of the Target Machine\root\default
Input the credentials being used by Commvault for the installation attempt on this target machine and then click Connect
If wbemtest can connect, then you should be returned to the first page and will be connected. Otherwise an error will occur. As wbemtest is a Microsoft application, this demonstrates that the issue is most likely the configuration on the target machine.
To test WMI from command line:
C:\> wmic /node:etargetIPaddr] /user:radmin] process call create "cmd.exe /c ccommand]"
wmic /node:(IP Address) /user:domain\user process call create "calc.exe" wmic /node:(IP Address) /user:domain\user process call create "cmd /c Echo This is my WMI Test %Date% %Time% > C:\WMITest.txt"
@Vladan Kojanic , what do you see in distributesoftware.log at the time of the failure?
Hello @LouZ , all,
I disable all Firewalls on server that I want to install CV, but remote install fail again.
I did what @Edwin McLaughlin suggested (from CV server) and I do see remote registry (selected):
Hello @Vladan Kojanic,
As the remote installation is reporting a failure to connect to the remote registry of the intended client, you should first check that the remote registry of the client is reachable from the CommServe computer. You can test this with the following steps performed on the CommServe:
Open Registry Editor by executing regedit from any command line interface in Windows, like Command Prompt or the Run dialog box.
Go to File > Connect Network Registry.
Type into the large empty space the name of the computer you want to remotely access the registry for.
Select “Check Names” which will populate the remote client’s full path
Choose OK.
After a few seconds, RegEdit will connect to the remote computer's registry and you should see the client’s registry under thostname]. If this fails, there may be some additional firewall software on the client blocking the connection.
edit: @Edwin McLaughlin has a great tip to troubleshoot this!
Note that the installer cannot make adjustments to the firewall if the connection to the client is failing. If you install interactively, it can disable the firewall, but remotely if the firewall is preventing the connection, it cannot be turned off.
Hi @LouZ ,
CommCell and that machine are in the same domain (different subnet) but in the same domain, and not go trough proxy server.
Thank you for fast reply. I though that CV installation will do that job on Firewall (worked without problem before Windows Server 2019). When I turn Firewall on that new server OFF, why need to open those ports?
BTW, we are on 11.21.34 version.
Is there a firewall between the CommServe and the Client?
Open Port 135 for DCOM (Distributed Component Model).
Open Port 139 for NetBIOS Session Service (if you are using legacy Windows computers, such as Windows NT or earlier versions).
Open Port 445 for SMB (Server Message Block) file sharing.
Open the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) port. For instructions on setting up a fixed port for WMI, see Setting Up a Fixed Port for WMI on the Microsoft website.