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AFAIK there is no prebuild FREL image available for Hyper-V at the moment.

Are there any plans to distribute a FREL image for Hyper-V in the near future?

Good evening.  There is no FREL image for Hyper-V.  As of CPR2023 you will not need FREL as long as you have a Unix/Linux MediaAgent.

@lotsenmark I do not think they will release a FREL for Hyper-V as Microsoft also announced major changes on Hyper-V which effectively means they will stop releasing the free version of Hyper-V and are pushing/marketing customers to move to Azure HCI. See also

@Onno van den Berg and @Orazan thank you for your answers.

@Orazan sorry, but what do you mean by CPR202/Ki3? i did a quick google search but nothing came up.

@lotsenmark I assume he is referring to Commvault Platform Release. Not sure which version he is targeting specifically, but 2022e was the first official planform release carrying the new naming. It was released summer last year and is also known as FR28. 

Apologies, I was referring to CPR2023 and did not notice the typo.

@Orazan thank you for clarifyinfg that.

we will wait for the first LTS release based on CPR 2023.
