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Hello All,


We have a custom need of performing frequent backup for every 10 mins once to secure some critical information . The jobs are setup and running , but only one job runs per subclient hence only 1 active jobs but a lot of queued jobs in the queue. 


Is there a way to handle this or suggestions to overcome the queued jobs ?


Commvault version used is V11.24.60 , where backup are store on HPE apollo Hyperscale X ref architecture.



The job is being queued to prevent a failed status, is my interpretation correct that you want to actively backup changed files with a new backup job whilst the previous job is still running?

If this is the case I think you need to validate if 10 minutes is a viable timeframe with your current configuration. How long does a backup generally take currently?

In general you can also change settings to possibly, depending on system resources, shorten time needed for a backup:

  • Allow multiple data readers within a drive or mount point
  • Automatically use optimal number of data readers

Or increase network agents from default 2 to 4:

Dont use the throtteling described on this page btw.
Also keep your resources in check on the client whilst testing a backup with these settings, if you do not have enough resources your application/OS/network connection can have some response issues.


You could uncheck this option, if it’s enabled, to stop queueing the jobs.


You could uncheck this option, if it’s enabled, to stop queueing the jobs.


This would be my guess. We do this with some logs and such
