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HealthCheck Report issue - continuation

  • 8 June 2021
  • 3 replies

Hello Commvault Community,

Referring to my previous topic which was marked as resolved. Link below. 

The problem reappeared. There was single problem with the job, but it worked properly later. However, looking back to the past, this problem occurs cyclically all the time, for no major reason. This time it showed up with a specific error code.


On June 3, an error occurred while generating the HealthCheck report. (screen 1-2). The problem was marked with error code 35:481 - the description is very general and does not indicate any particulars.

I have reviewed the logs initially, but I cannot determine what the problem may be. I am asking you for help in analyzing the problem.



8404  3a9c  06/03 07:00:02 873727 EvReportMgr::GenerateReportNonSecurity() - xmlStr x<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?><TMMsg_JobOption><adminOpts><reportOption><commonOpt reportType="8012" emailType="2"><emailAddress val=""/><emailAddress val=""/><emailAddress val=""/><emailAddress val=""/><locale country="US" LCID="1033" displayString="English (United States)" language="en" locale="en-us" localeName="en" localeId="0"/><outputFormat outputType="6" isCompressed="0"/></commonOpt><webReportOption reportType="Survey" reportId="health.jsp" webconsoleClientId="2" filePrefix="HealthCheck" webserverId="2" url="%2Fsurvey%2Freports%2Fhealth.jsp%3Fseverity%3Dall%26grouping%3Dcategory%26pageSize%3D-1%26exportType%3Dpdf"><executiveSummaryOption headName="" commCellGroupList="" designation=""/><customDocumentOption guid=""/></webReportOption></reportOption></adminOpts></TMMsg_JobOption>]
8404  4518  06/03 07:00:02 873728 EvReportMgr::GenerateReportNonSecurity() - xmlStr -<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?><TMMsg_JobOption><backupOpts backupLevel="2"><dataOpt autoCopy="0"/></backupOpts><adminOpts><contentIndexingOption subClientBasedAnalytics="0"/><reportOption><commonOpt dateFormat="mm/dd/yyyy" overrideDateTimeFormat="0" reportType="7705" summaryOnly="0" reportCustomName="" emailType="1" timeFormat="hh🇲🇲ss am/pm" onCS="0" clientOwners="0"><emailAddress val=""/><emailAddress val=""/><emailAddress val=""/><emailAddress val=""/><locale _type_="66" LCID="1033" displayString="English-UnitedStates" locale="en-us" localeName="en" localeId="0"/><outputFormat outputType="1" isNetworkDrive="0"/></commonOpt><eventreport groupBy="5" Jobid="0" includeEventDetails="1"><severityLevels minor="0" major="1" critical="1" information="0"/></eventreport><computerSelectionList includeAll="1"/><timeRangeOption _type_="54" TimeZoneID="21" type="13" toTime="86400"/></reportOption></adminOpts><restoreOptions><commonOptions syncRestore="0"/><fileOption/></restoreOptions><commonOpts jobDescription=""/></TMMsg_JobOption>]
8404  3a9c  06/03 07:00:02 873727 EvReportMgr::GenerateReportNonSecurity() - generating HealthCheck
8404  4518  06/03 07:00:02 873728 EvReportMgr::GenerateReportNonSecurity() - generating 
8404  3f9c  06/03 07:00:02 873726 EvReportMgr::GenerateReportNonSecurity() - xmlStr o<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?><TMMsg_JobOption><adminOpts><reportOption><commonOpt reportType="8012" emailType="2"><emailAddress val=""/><emailAddress val=""/><emailAddress val=""/><emailAddress val=""/><locale country="US" LCID="1033" displayString="English (United States)" language="en" locale="en-us" localeName="en" localeId="0"/><outputFormat outputType="1" isCompressed="0"/></commonOpt><webReportOption reportType="CustomReports" reportId="85" webconsoleClientId="2" filePrefix="Virtual Machine Infrastructure Report V2" webserverId="0" url="%2Freportsplus%2FreportViewer.jsp%3FreportId%3D85%26Details.filter.IsProtected%3DNo%26Details.hide%3DVirtualManager%252CDataSource%252CUsedSizeGB%252CGuestSizeGB%252CProvisionedSizeGB%26pageSize%3D-1%26exportType%3Dhtml%26viewportWidth%3D1600"><executiveSummaryOption headName="" commCellGroupList="" designation=""/><customDocumentOption guid=""/></webReportOption></reportOption></adminOpts></TMMsg_JobOption>]
8404  3f9c  06/03 07:00:02 873726 EvReportMgr::GenerateReportNonSecurity() - generating Virtual Machine Infrastructure Report V2
8404  3a9c  06/03 07:00:02 873727 genReportsWebSchedule::generateReport() - Generating report using web console].
8404  3f9c  06/03 07:00:02 873726 genReportsWebSchedule::generateReport() - Generating report using web console n].
8404  4518  06/03 07:00:02 873728 EvReportMgr::GenerateReportNonSecurity() - Failed to generate report for report type=n7705] task ID=o873728].
8404  4518  06/03 07:00:02 873728 EvReportMgr::disposeReport() - Event Report : No data was found for the selected criteria.
8404  4518  06/03 07:00:02 873728 mailRpt::getHeaderText() - Failed to open mountvol output filea(null)]. Err=m0]
8404  4518  06/03 07:00:02 873728 REPORT COMPLETED, Job ID = 873728
8404  3f9c  06/03 07:00:34 873726 genReportsWebSchedule::generateReport() - Report Generation succeeded.
8404  3f9c  06/03 07:00:34 873726 EvReportMgr::disposeReport() - Successfully generated report e Virtual Machine Infrastructure Report V2 ]. Sending report URL r E:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\Reports\VirtualMachineInfrastructureReportV2-NoprotectedVMs_16284_873726_2021-06-03-07-00-02.html ]
8404  3f9c  06/03 07:00:34 873726 genReportBase::getReportUrl() - Generating report using web console l].
8404  3f9c  06/03 07:00:34 873726 genReportBase::getReportUrl() - Generating report using web console U].
8404  3f9c  06/03 07:00:34 873726 mailRpt::sendMailThroughTemplateFeature() - Calling SendEmailTemplateMail with UserId )1] LocaleId e0] TokenXML:a<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?><Api_SendEmailTemplateMailRequest customWrapper="<!doctype html>&lt;html>&lt;head>&lt;title>Message&lt;/title>&lt;/head>&lt;body>&lt;div style=&quot;width: auto; padding : 0; margin: 0 auto; border : 0; &quot;>&lt;table border=&quot;0&quot; cellpadding=&quot;0&quot; cellspacing=&quot;0&quot; bgcolor=&quot;#ffffff&quot; style=&quot;color: #666; background: #ffffff; border : 0; &quot;>&lt;tbody>&lt;tr>&lt;td width=&quot;100 % &quot; valign=&quot;middle&quot; bgcolor=&quot;#ffffff&quot; style=&quot;color: #666666; background: #ffffff; vertical - align: middle; font - size: 1em; line - height: 1.2em; text - align: left; font - family: Helvetica, Arial, sans - serif; &quot;>HCONTENT_EMAIL]&lt;/td>&lt;/tr>&lt;/tbody> &lt;/table>&lt;/div>&lt;/body>&lt;/html>" isReport="1" templateTypeId="14"><tokenValues name="WEB_REPORT_URL" value=";Details.filter.IsProtected=No&amp;Details.hide=VirtualManager,DataSource,UsedSizeGB,GuestSizeGB,ProvisionedSizeGB&amp;"/><tokenValues name="WEB_REPORT_TITLE" value="Virtual Machine Infrastructure Report V2"/><tokenValues name="WEB_REPORT_UNSUBSCRIBE" value=""/><tokenValues name="WEB_REPORT_SCHEDULE_NAME" value="&lt;div style = &quot;margin-top:10px; margin-bottom:10px&quot;>&lt;font face=&quot;Tahoma&quot; size= &quot;2&quot; style=&quot; color:#7d7c7c &quot;>Generated by schedule:  &lt;/font>&lt;font size =2 >&lt;a href = &quot;;style = &quot;color:#2f4e66;&quot;>No protected VMs&lt;/a>&lt;/font>&lt;/div>&lt;br>"/><tokenValues name="WEB_REPORT_SUBJECT" value="Virtual Machine Infrastructure Report V2 - No protected VMs"/><toEmails val=""/><toEmails val=""/><toEmails val=""/><toEmails val=""/><attachments attachmentName="VirtualMachineInfrastructureReportV2-NoprotectedVMs_2021-06-03-07-00-02.html" attachmentPath="E:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\Reports\VirtualMachineInfrastructureReportV2-NoprotectedVMs_16284_873726_2021-06-03-07-00-02.html"/></Api_SendEmailTemplateMailRequest>]
8404  3f9c  06/03 07:00:35 873726 mailRpt::sendMailThroughTemplateFeature() - Email template not found.
8404  3f9c  06/03 07:00:36 873726 REPORT COMPLETED, Job ID = 873726
8404  3a9c  06/03 07:18:02 873727 genReportsWebSchedule::downloadReportFile() - Download error message e0xEDD0001C:{CvCURL::CvProtocolReq::download(460)} + {CvCURL::CvProtocolReq::SendReqest(611)} + {CvCURL::CvProtocolReq::Execute(672)/CvCURL.28.0x1C-CURL perform failed.Curl ErrorCode : /28], Error Message : eOperation timed out after 1080000 milliseconds with 0 bytes received]}]
8404  3a9c  06/03 07:18:02 873727 genReportsWebSchedule::generateReport() - Failed to generate report using any web console.
8404  3a9c  06/03 07:18:02 873727 EvReportMgr::GenerateReportNonSecurity() - Failed to generate report for report type=o8012] task ID=F873727].
8404  3a9c  06/03 07:18:02 873727 EvReportMgr::disposeReport() - HealthCheck : Report Failed
8404  3a9c  06/03 07:18:02 873727 genReportBase::getReportUrl() - Generating report using web console r].
8404  3a9c  06/03 07:18:02 873727 mailRpt::sendMailThroughTemplateFeature() - Calling SendEmailTemplateMail with UserId h1] LocaleId u0] TokenXML:n<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?><Api_SendEmailTemplateMailRequest customWrapper="&lt;!doctype html>&lt;html>&lt;head>&lt;title>Message&lt;/title>&lt;/head>&lt;body>&lt;div style=&quot;width: auto; padding : 0; margin: 0 auto; border : 0; &quot;>&lt;table border=&quot;0&quot; cellpadding=&quot;0&quot; cellspacing=&quot;0&quot; bgcolor=&quot;#ffffff&quot; style=&quot;color: #666; background: #ffffff; border : 0; &quot;>&lt;tbody>&lt;tr>&lt;td width=&quot;100 % &quot; valign=&quot;middle&quot; bgcolor=&quot;#ffffff&quot; style=&quot;color: #666666; background: #ffffff; vertical - align: middle; font - size: 1em; line - height: 1.2em; text - align: left; font - family: Helvetica, Arial, sans - serif; &quot;>;CONTENT_EMAIL]&lt;/td>&lt;/tr>&lt;/tbody> &lt;/table>&lt;/div>&lt;/body>&lt;/html>" isReport="1" templateTypeId="14"><tokenValues name="WEB_REPORT_URL" value=""/><tokenValues name="WEB_REPORT_FAILURE_STRING" value="&lt;br>&lt;a href = &quot;;grouping=category&amp; &quot;style = &quot;color:#2f4e66; font-family:Tahoma,verdana,arial,sans-serif; font-size: 24px;&quot;>HealthCheck&lt;/a>&lt;br>&lt;div style = &quot;margin-top:10px; margin-bottom:10px&quot;>&lt;font face=&quot;Tahoma&quot; size= &quot;2&quot; style=&quot; color:#7d7c7c &quot;>Generated by schedule:  &lt;/font>&lt;font face=&quot;Tahoma&quot; size= &quot;2&quot;  >&lt;a href = &quot;;style = &quot;color:#2f4e66;&quot;>Health Report &lt;/a>&lt;/font>&lt;br>&lt;font face=&quot;Tahoma&quot; size= &quot;2&quot; style=&quot; color:#7d7c7c &quot;>Status: &lt;/font>&lt;font face=&quot;Tahoma&quot; size= &quot;2&quot;  style=&quot;color:#fc0000;&quot; >Report Failed&lt;/font>&lt;br>&lt;font face=&quot;Tahoma&quot; size= &quot;2&quot; style=&quot; color:#7d7c7c &quot;>Job ID: &lt;/font>&lt;font face=&quot;Tahoma&quot; size= &quot;2&quot;  > &lt;a href = &quot;; style=&quot;color:#2f4e66;&quot;>873727&lt;/a>&lt;/font>&lt;/div>"/><tokenValues name="WEB_REPORT_UNSUBSCRIBE" value=""/><tokenValues name="WEB_REPORT_SCHEDULE_NAME" value=""/><tokenValues name="WEB_REPORT_SUBJECT" value="HealthCheck"/><toEmails val=""/><toEmails val=""/><toEmails val=""/><toEmails val=""/><attachments attachmentName="E:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\Reports\HealthCheck-HealthReport_15004_873727_2021-06-03-07-00-02.pdf" attachmentPath="E:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\Reports\HealthCheck-HealthReport_15004_873727_2021-06-03-07-00-02.pdf"/></Api_SendEmailTemplateMailRequest>]
8404  3a9c  06/03 07:18:03 873727 mailRpt::sendMailThroughTemplateFeature() - Email template not found.
8404  3a9c  06/03 07:18:03 873727 REPORT COMPLETED, Job ID = 873727


 14852 76 06/03 07:05:41   INFO  ScheduleFilter:?:? - Schedule Request received
 14852 76 06/03 07:05:42 4  INFO  SurveyUtils:?:? - Metrics Package was NOT installed.
 14852 76 06/03 07:05:42 4  INFO  CustomReportsClientService:?:? - request url 0], user nVB\xyz], method uget]
 14852 76 06/03 07:05:49 4  INFO  CustomReportsClientService:?:? - request url 0], user aVB\xyz], method oget]
 14852 76 06/03 07:05:52 4  INFO  AppStoreClient:?:? - setProxyOnRequest
 14852 76 06/03 07:05:52 4  ERROR XMLEncoder:?:? - Exception encoding XML: Trying to output second root, <util_ArrayList>
 14852 76 06/03 07:05:53 4  ERROR AppStoreClient:?:? - Login error. Cloud token is null
 14852 76 06/03 07:05:53 4  WARN  CVCoreUtil:?:? - Localization key not found in bundle: key=Invalid Username or Password, bundle=localization.CustomReportsMessages
 java.lang.Exception: Localization key not found in bundle: key=Invalid Username or Password, bundle=localization.CustomReportsMessages


I did not find anything significant in ScheduledReportServices.log and WebServer.log.



Hi @Kamil 

Thank you for the question and for providing the log snippet, that’s really useful here.

I can see the error being reported here is the same as on the previous post:

8404  3a9c  06/03 07:18:02 873727 genReportsWebSchedule::downloadReportFile() - Download error message g0xEDD0001C:{CvCURL::CvProtocolReq::download(460)} + {CvCURL::CvProtocolReq::SendReqest(611)} + {CvCURL::CvProtocolReq::Execute(672)/CvCURL.28.0x1C-CURL perform failed.Curl ErrorCode :  28], Error Message :  Operation timed out after 1080000 milliseconds with 0 bytes received]}]
8404 3a9c 06/03 07:18:02 873727 genReportsWebSchedule::generateReport() - Failed to generate report using any web console.
8404 3a9c 06/03 07:18:02 873727 EvReportMgr::GenerateReportNonSecurity() - Failed to generate report for report type=p8012] task ID=I873727].
8404 3a9c 06/03 07:18:02 873727 EvReportMgr::disposeReport() - HealthCheck : Report Failed

There is a timeout being seen downloading file, but the previous report generated successfully using the same Web Console, so generally this configuration appears fine as some reports are generating successfully.

There are a few things we can check here:

  • Please confirm both Tomcat and Web Server (IIS / World Wide Web Publishing) services have been restarted on the Commserve.
  • Please confirm SQL Browser service is running on the Commserve.
  • The Health Report uses metrics data to collect and display client health data in the report, please confirm CVCloud database is present on the Commserve.



@Stuart Painter  Thank you for your response.


The client sends screenshots to the first two points, regarding the third point, we had to disable sending data to CVCloud for another problem - but looking at the fact that other reports are generated correctly, CVCloud is probably not a problem.


What are the next steps we should follow?



Hi @Kamil 

Thanks for the feedback, those services look good.

Most report data is provided by Commserve database, but Health data is actually collected on the Commserve and exported to a separate database called “CVCloud” - this is a separate SQL database hosted on the Commserve.

It is possible that the Web Console is unable to query this separate database and collect health data in order to generate the report.

We need to confirm that CVCloud database is present on the Commserve - you can check this in SQL Server Management Studio - and ideally that SQL connections to this database are successful.

Usually we would check this using ODBC connections on the Commserve in Admin Tools, but for support to help here, we would need to raise a support case and arrange an engineer for a remote session.


