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We use a wildcard cert in or organization and it had recently expired.  So when I try to get to the webconsole Im getting a “NET::ERR_CERT_DATE_INVALID”  .    I have the new wildcard cert (*wildcard-cert.pfx file)

Im not proficient in the certs department.  So do I just copy this cert to the C:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\Apache\conf\ directory.   This is where I see the same cert name which Im assuming is the expired cert.

I looked in the server.xml file and saw the following -    

<Certificate certificateKeystoreFile="conf/XXX-XXX-wildcard-cert.pfx" certificateKeystorePassword="XXXXXXXXXX" certificateKeystoreType="PKCS12"/> 


Or is there a particular command I need to run to add the new wildcard cert  (pfx file) to a keystore etc..?


Please advise..





Hi @bc1410,

I see you mentioned that you have a pfx file, in that case this process is a little quicker than normal.

This is the complete overview that would typically be followed:

However, with the pfx file you can jump straight to step 2:


As a surface level of the steps needed:
- Navigate to the Commserve installation\contentstore\apache\conf
- Copy the new pfx certificate file here
- Stop Tomcat
- Make a copy of the server.xml file before any modifications are made
- Edit the server.xml file in notepad++ or wordpad or any other text editor
- At the bottom of the document update the below parameters (for pfx keystore type is always PKCS12):
-- certificateKeystoreFile
-- certificateKeystorePassword
-- certificateKeystoreType=”PKCS12”

Thanks you SEAN - appreciate the HELP!