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Hello everyone,

My network admin has asked me to throttle aux copies between on-prem CommVault and Metallic cloud storage during core business hours (7:00 AM to 5:00 PM).  I’ve looked at which talks about throttling between clients but the problem is that Metallic cloud storage doesn’t appear as a separate client within CommVault.  Instead, it is simply attached as a second library to the nodes of my Hyperscale media agent - the same as local disk storage.

The instructions in the link above talk about throttling between clients but here I’m trying to throttle between two components of the same client - the disk and cloud attached to each of INF-SRVP110, 111, and 112.  

What’s the trick to throttling aux copies between two libraries connected to the same client?


You can set throttling on the storage policy copy:


Thanks @Jos Meijer, I’ve set the throttling to 20,000MB/hr (~20GB/hr) and am seeing some jobs running 10GB/hr and some running 46GB/hr so the throttling seems to be more a suggestion than an actual hard limit.  Nonetheless, we previously were seeing some copy jobs run 230GB/hr which swamped the network and caused problems with our phones.  

I’ll mark your answer as the solution.  

Thanks again for your help.


Optionally, you could consider using this setting on your MAs:



Update on this:  20,000 MB/hr was too slow and copies to cloud storage were taking all day.  We increased it to 40,000 MB/hr and later 80,000 MB/hr which, for us, gave a reasonable balance between speed of copies and sharing network bandwidth.


Hi Ken,


I noticed this note at the bottom of the link



Note: Once you configure Throttle Network Bandwidth and assign specific value, during an Auxiliary Copy operation, the Auxiliary Copy Job Details for Job ID dialog box indicates that the size in Current Throughput (GB/Hr), set on the Streams tab, may display higher than the amount of size specified in Throttle Network Bandwidth. This is because the size displayed in the Current Throughput (GB/Hr) column uses Throttle Network Bandwidth.


I’m wondering if the above CV documentation is why you saw throughput higher than your throttling levels?  I’m not sure but they add the note on it.  Glad you got it sorted though. 😀

That disclaimer makes no sense to me.  I read it as:

...Current Throughput (GB/Hr) ... may display higher than the amount ... specified in Throttle Network Bandwidth. This is because the ... Current Throughput (GB/Hr) column uses Throttle Network Bandwidth.

