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Hi Team a few questions on HSX especially on network connectivity and replication

  1. can we configure HSX to accept connection only on certain IP and ports? 
  1. Can the replication between 2 HSX to be on 1 particular network port or it will have to be whole HSX cluster in the sense all the hsx nodes need to be able to communicate with each other across 2 Data centers?
  2. How does the replication between 2 HSX works and numbers of ports required etc


By “replication” I am going to assume auxcopy of data between different sites / clusters.

For clarity (just in case) You cannot have a 3 node HSX cluster with two nodes in Site A and one node in Site B. I am assuming in your scenario you are talking about replication between two distinct HSX deployments.

  1. Yes - using data interface pairs allows you to pick the source/destination IP to use for communication between certain groups / machines / servers. Using a network topology you can specify the network port to allow incoming traffic on from remote servers/clients.
  2. Yes, you can configure the auxcopy (replication) job to use a single node (Media Agent) in the HSX cluster for replication. Performance may be slightly lowered if you are only using a single node in the cluster but it does work
  3. Auxiliary copy operation copies data from one cluster to another. You can restrict communication down to one node in each cluster using DIPs and 1 TCP port using network topologies per question #1 

@ Damian ,


Thanks , yes we are talking about 3 nodes HSX appliances deployment at each site across 2 DCs.