We have following Scenario:
- WORM CLoud Libary
- Storage Policy with Primary Copy 30Days Retention + Selective Copy -> AllJObs to "Worm Library" with 7 Days Retention
- Workflow Enable WOrm run -> 7 Days Retention / 7 Days Seal DDB / 14 Days WORM Lock
Everthing is correct set by WF and is working asexpected LockDays set correct, Sealing happens after 7 Days, but the old Sealed DDBs get not cleaned because the Index Jobs get not cleaned of it although the Retain Until Date is fullfilled.
I could not find any hint in documentation or elsewhere how to handle Index Jobs in Combination with Immutable Copy.
Has there anyone experience or missed I something.
Everthing would be helpful.
Thx & BR