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Specifies the job as an Incremental backup, which backs up only that portion of the data that is new or has changed since the last backup.


will there be any record in incremental backup if a file has been deleted since last backup.


For ex: i have full backup on sunday and then incremental and next sunday synthetic full , how does the system track the deleted files or file that has not changed since last full backup.



i tried to restore a folder to different location. it worked fine , then i deleted a file from source and performed a incremental and restored but the deleted file is still there in the restored location .



Hi @Ajal ,

We use CBT:

You might need to reset CBT:

Best Regards


@Sebastien Merluzzi  thanks , is it same for file system level backup with agent


That’s for Vmware only.

For File System we use modified date in Windows properties during the File Scan phase.

Can you see the deleted file in the Browse window?

Can you check File Scan:

Can you modify the File Scan method run an Incremental Backup/Restore. Then check if the file is there.

Then change the File Scan back to the original and run another Backup/Restore. Then check if the file is there.


@Sebastien Merluzzi  thanks for your time , 


let me give some more details.

i have folder with 10 files and i took full backup of it

i restored that folder to another location , now source and destination has 10 files

, next day there i deleted 2 files added 1 new file  in the source  and performed an incremental backup ,

then i restored it to destination, result is it restored the new files. and total i have 11 files in the destination .is this the expected behaviour ?



