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We have a global Secondary Tape policy that we use for sending aux copies to tape. Currently it it set to use only 1 stream to keep the number of tapes being written to a minimum.

I would like to switch the Full backups to 2 device streams though. I assume there is no way to do with the schedules? I need to make a new storage policy that is associated with the Full schedules?

Just checking that I’m going about this right, thanks!



@Nico Basson , the Storage Policy controls the stream max (which is what the Primary copy uses).

you can combine the Aux Copy streams to 1, or 2, etc. to limit the max number of tapes at a time.

Let me know if the link helps!

Yep, so if I want different streams for incremental and full then I need to different policies in essence?

Ahh, that’s a bit different (and yes).

If you want Fulls going to 1 set of tapes and Incs going to another set, you need to set up an Incremental Storage Policy, and associate to it from your main Storage Policy.

Any subclients associated to the main SP will now send their Incs to the Incremental SP (and their Fulls to the main one).

Check out the docs here:

as well as this nice community post from 9 months back (still valid, with some extra details)!

Let me know if this helps!
