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Hi All,


i had the following challange:


Index and DDB are using same SSD ( Yes i know… )

Index is using 1,96TB. Settings are:


Retain index for : 50

Generate alerts when free space falls below : 50GB

Take the Index offline when free space falls below : 10GB

Cleanup until free space is at least: 10 percent


Now we have to move the index+ddb to new disk which is smaller than the actually disc. 


I Change the Settings to:


Retain index for : 20

Generate alerts when free space falls below : 50GB

Take the Index offline when free space falls below : 10GB

Cleanup until free space is at least: 50percent


So how can i trigger the cleanup ? 



cycle services triggerd directly the cleanup 🙂 So we had directly freespace

hi @SSchmidt 

First question : are you using indexing v1 or v2 ?

In the doc below you can find bit of details regarding index cleanup routines : how it’s triggered, behaves..

Hope this helps.

Otherwise you can restart services on your MA.

