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I have had issues with installing Commvault software package 11:25:19 to any server in Azure.  The network team has ensured me that there is no port restrictions.  We did a test using Wireshark during the install from Commserve to the agent.  It drops the software on it just fine, however the we noticed ACK packets dropping off.  The main issue is the agent does not register with the Commserve.  This has caused me no end of pain.  My account has full rights on both servers, ports 135, 139, 445 and 8400 are open.  My account has full rights on the registry including HLM and and all sub folders.  The WMI has the correct security settings on CIMV2 also.  Here is a extract of the log that we are seeing.

“8988  1     03/25 14:17:55 ### ### ### - Showing dialog : RunFirewallDaemonViewModel .......
8988  6     03/25 14:17:55 ### ### ### - Skipping auto detection of HTTP proxy for interactive installation.
8988  6     03/25 14:17:55 ### ### ### - Initializing firewall daemon: szSourcePath=C:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\Base, szLogPath=C:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\Log Files, szConfigFileName=C:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\Log Files, szCertificatePath=C:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\Base.
8988  6     03/25 14:17:55 ### ### ### - Firewall daemon initialized. Client Ports recieved: nClientPort4=50803, nClientPort6=50804.
8988  6     03/25 14:17:55 ### ### ### - Firewall daemon started.
8988  6     03/25 14:17:55 ### ### ### - Initializing firewall standalone mode: bDaemonMode=True, nPort4=50803, nPort6=50804, szInstallConfigFileName=C:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\Log Files\FwConfigInstall.txt, szConfigFileName=C:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\Log Files\FwConfig.txt, szConfigLocalFileName=C:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\Log Files\FwConfigLocal.txt
8988  6     03/25 14:17:55 ### ### ### - Firewall standalone mode is set
8988  6     03/25 14:17:56 ### ### ### - Check firewall connection: bFirewallStarted=True, bCSTunnelUp=False
8988  6     03/25 14:17:56 ### ### ### - Check firewall connection now. CommServe client name = '@@COMMSERVE@@', CommServe host name = '@@COMMSERVE@@'.
8988  6     03/25 14:17:57 ### ### ### - Warning: Check CommServe connectivity returned: Connection failed on computerJoeBloggs: Socket READ failed. Got READ error on PERSISTENT tunnel from "computerJoeBloggs" to "@@GATEWAY@@" via (, The specified network name is no longer available.
8988  6     03/25 14:17:57 ### ### ### - Warning: Check CommServe connectivity(IPv4) returned: Unable to resolve remote host @@COMMSERVE@@ to IPv4 family: 0x80072AFB:{CQiIPAddr::GetAllByName(217)/W32.11003.(A non-recoverable error occurred during a database lookup. (11003))}
8988  6     03/25 14:17:57 ### ### ### - Warning: Check CommServe connectivity(IPv6) returned: Unable to resolve remote host @@COMMSERVE@@ to IPv6 family: 0x80072AFB:{CQiIPAddr::GetAllByName(217)/W32.11003.(A non-recoverable error occurred during a database lookup. (11003))}
8988  6     03/25 14:18:56 ### ### ### - Warning: Check CommServe connectivity returned: Connection failed on computerJoeBloggs: Socket READ failed. Got READ error on PERSISTENT tunnel from "computerJoeBloggs" to "@@GATEWAY@@" via (, The specified network name is no longer available.
8988  6     03/25 14:18:56 ### ### ### - Warning: Check CommServe connectivity(IPv4) returned: Unable to resolve remote host @@COMMSERVE@@ to IPv4 family: 0x80072AFB:{CQiIPAddr::GetAllByName(217)/W32.11003.(A non-recoverable error occurred during a database lookup. (11003))}
8988  6     03/25 14:18:56 ### ### ### - Warning: Check CommServe connectivity(IPv6) returned: Unable to resolve remote host @@COMMSERVE@@ to IPv6 family: 0x80072AFB:{CQiIPAddr::GetAllByName(217)/W32.11003.(A non-recoverable error occurred during a database lookup. (11003))}
8988  6     03/25 14:19:36 ### ### ### - Warning: Check CommServe connectivity returned: Connection failed on computerJoeBloggs: Socket READ failed. Got READ error on PERSISTENT tunnel from "computerJoeBloggs" to "@@GATEWAY@@" via (, The specified network name is no longer available.
8988  6     03/25 14:19:36 ### ### ### - Warning: Check CommServe connectivity(IPv4) returned: Unable to resolve remote host @@COMMSERVE@@ to IPv4 family: 0x80072AFB:{CQiIPAddr::GetAllByName(217)/W32.11003.(A non-recoverable error occurred during a database lookup. (11003))}
8988  6     03/25 14:19:36 ### ### ### - Warning: Check CommServe connectivity(IPv6) returned: Unable to resolve remote host @@COMMSERVE@@ to IPv6 family: 0x80072AFB:{CQiIPAddr::GetAllByName(217)/W32.11003.(A non-recoverable error occurred during a database lookup. (11003))}


Hi @TonyQ , thanks for the post!  It definitely looks like a network issue, though on which side is in question.

To confirm, the install on the client ‘completes’, but then fails to register back?

I’m assuming that is JobManager.log based on the line.  Can you see what CVD.log and distributesoftware.log show?

And if the install is complete, what does CVD.log show on the client?


Hi Mike,


Hope you are well and guess what I got this fixed which was excellent.  It turns out all the ports were open i needed including 135,139, 445 for SMB 8400 and 8403.  My issue was that the software was going over to the client just fine but the push install wasnt working so I installed the package locally on the server, which is ok and it installed fine.  The issue was it would NOT register with the CommCell.  I then stripped all the Commvault software off the client/agent including in the registry and tried reinstalling both push install and in decoupled mode.  However it was still failing to register with the  Commserve.


SOLUTION (in my case) BELOW


I had missed a registry entry to delete  in HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Remoteinstall\GalaxyRemoteInstall when uninstalling ALL Commvault software including from the registry.  Soon as I deleted this key, and went back to the Commcell, deleted the agent completely and reinstalled the client on Commvault, using “Decoupled Mode”, it ran through a successful install, whereas it was failing at the last two steps on my previous numerous occasions.  This might work for other Community users, it might not, but it worked for me.  See engineers notes below.


Closed Incident Findings

Solution: Installed client in decoupled mode

Finding Details: >> On client xxxx-ts1, we uninstalled the previous package from control panel.
>> Removed “Commvault systems” folder from program data.
>> Removed “Commvault” from program files.
>> From registry key we cleaned Galaxy entry from two places, SOFTWARE and WOW6432node.
>> Started installation again using setup.exe file and installed in decoupled mode
>> Removed entry of client from CS which was done previously.
>> Added new client manually from in CS
>> Client was added successfully.
>> Repeated same steps for another client xxxx-lv1 as well . Both clients were registered successfully.

Awesome work, @TonyQ !  I am very happy that you shared this with the community.  No doubt it will save someone a lot of time!