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The Agent Restartability matrix suggests that an Exhange Mailbox archive operation will restart from the point-of-failure. Can anyone confirm whether, at an individual mailbox level, this means that the operation will continue on from the last protected mail item, or does it start from the beginning for that mailbox?

Hello @Erase4ndReuseMedia 

When a Exchange mailbox backup job is killed/interrupted/failed it will move into a finalize phase. In this phase it is committing everything it has protected to this point. This includes half protected mailbox’s. 


In short, yes we will checkpoint every item we protect so when you submit the next job it will carry on where it left off before. 


Kind regards
Albert Williams

Interesting. Are you aware of any cases where checkpointing does not appear to be occurring correctly? 

For a mailbox that I am monitoring closely - it would consistently fail after exactly 99,474 messages, and would always fail on the same message, giving me the impression that it’s starting from the beginning each time. 

We also have a collection of large mailboxes that never seem to finish. The archive operation invariably reports a large number of successful messages, but the backup size, emails backed up, and last backup time figures rarely change.

Hello @Erase4ndReuseMedia 

I have seen it happen in the past, can you advise your current Commvault version?

Can you also confirm what type of mailbox agent you are using: 


Kind regards

We are currently at 11.32.49, and this is related to O365 Mailboxes.

Sounds like you may have found a bug. I recommend a support ticket and Dev will write a fix for the issue if it is not already in the works.


Kind regards

Albert Williams

What’s the best way to ensure it lands in the APAC queue?

Raise it between 8am and 2pm AEST will land in the APAC Queue it can be handled by anyone. 
