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Hi Team,


I have tried to backup my Kubernetes application using PVC and PV ( Local disk I have created), backup is successful. It only Backups the application and PVC.

When I try to restore that application in same cluster in different namespace or different cluster it goes to pending state. When I check the logs PVC looking for PV. I have manually create separate PV for that, then application goes running state.

The strange behaviour is when I describe the restored application, its docker image got changed and its showing “centos:8” as the image name.

Can you please help me on this issue.




@Naveenkumarhn , can tyou share the log file messages you are seeing?

You may need to get a support case created for this one, though I’d like to see more of what you are getting in the logs.

Tagging in the great @Mathew Ericson in advance.

@Mike Struening thanks for your reply.

I have tried backup test Nginx web-server, when I run backup, it backups full application and when restore it into same cluster/different cluster, it tries to find PV and storage class, I have already create PV and storage class in other cluster, it looks for the PV and storage class when it matches pod will restore automatically.


But when I run restore for mysql application it will restore successfully, but docker image is centos:8 instead of mysql image.

I will run different application and will try to restore, let’s see how it goes.

I have already created a support case. Case ID : 220304-75




I’ll follow the case for updates.

Hi Team,


I was using hostpath in pv and local storage class, so when we trying to restore its going to pending state or image will be shown as centos:8

I have replaced hostpath with local path it works perfectly fine. Then i tried using NFS server, I am successfully restored my applications. But we should have nfs storage class in the cluster before we restore.


