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Hi All,


Can someone help out with this question of mine:

Can I have a new host installed with private metrics/webserver package to also be a licensing server to my commservers? Do my new host mandatory needs to have commcell package also?


Previously I definitely knew that comcell package was not required… Did something change along the way?


I previously had to create new host (VM), install metrics/webserver package mssql,iis, restore CVCloud db and that was it (even licensing which was configured also transferred with the restore of CVCloud db on the new host), in every commcell change the upload url path to this new host and that’s it - it was worldwide metrics host for my commcells. 


I got a ticket 220726-122 raised but it confused me even more...

Adding in the details from the case:

I can see as per the case notes that you have enquired about the licensing server.

You have a Metrics server and you wanted to know whether the metrics server can be used as a licensing server.

Note: Yes Metrics server can be made licensing server but it needs to be a Commserv.

Also, licensing server needs the metrics server package as well. So the parent-child Commserv feature will work fine. The private metrics should be enabled on both child and parent Commserv.

Once the configuration has been done then you need to get in touch with the License Manager and inform them about parent CCID and children CCID. They will issue license files accordingly.


I’m not aware of any change, though often feature A is required because it comes with a needed component within that package, not for the entire application.

Hi @Mike Struening 


That is very interesting.. In my previous workplace where we also used Commvault we had and I know they still have a standalone VM with metrics package which is acting as a worldwide metrics server for 2 commservers and also as a licensing server.. kind of seems it’s working both ways.

Interesting.  Push back on the case owner then.  Ask them for the exact reason, and documented reasons.

I’m going to chase this on my end as well.

I’ll keep you posted.

@benjaminas , I spoke to the dopcs team and they shared a link:

Can you confirm if this applies to you and your old site?

However, you cannot use the same CommServe computer as both the license server and the worldwide Metrics Reporting Server that receives data from local Metrics Reporting Servers and license servers, such as in a tiered metrics reporting architecture.

@Mike Struening 

I maybe don’t really understand that documentation. 


What I had done in my previous company was I created new VM, installed metrics package to it and of course registered that VM to a commserv, which would then be a ‘master’ - then I would change URL’s in other commservers to point private metrics uploads to that standalone VM, and also used it as a license server. That worked..I asked my old colleague - still works..But that standalone VM did not have the commserver package on it..definitely.

Are you using a tiered metrics reporting server?  And is your old site not doing that?  That could be the reason.

One thing my documentation contact said is that the config might work, but not be supported, meaning it may/may not work and your mileage may vary.

It definitely won’t hurt to push back (a little) on the case owner and ask them for the exact reason, and documented reasons that apply to you.

Adding case resolution.  Glad they were able to solve this one!

Finding Details:

Private metrics reporting Forwarding tab is missing.


Found CommServ database table name GXGlobalParam the value is set to 0 for commservMetricsReportingServerEnabled.
To enable this please open CMD as an administrator on CS system for respective CommCell and navigate to Installation_Directory\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\Base\ and run the following command:
• qlogin
• qoperation execscript -sn SetKeyIntoGlobalParamTbl.sql -si commservMetricsReportingServerEnabled -si y -si 1

Refresh the SSMS CommServ DB and run the query again it should reflect commservMetricsReportingServerEnabled value as 1.
Once this done you will be able to view this on CommCell console GUI and to take affect in Command Center sometime it might need Apache Tomcat service restart.
