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The following thread describes the potential exposure to the Apache Log4j vulnerability and steps to update Commvault software.

It has been confirmed that a small subset of Commvault agents are impacted. 


Update as of 1st February: Maintenance Release to bring Log4j version to 2.17.1 across Commvault software platform has been released. This release includes the upgrade of components that previously used Log4j 1.x. 


Update as of 20th December: Maintenance Release including relevant hotfixes now available for Commvault software, see section “Maintenance Releases”. Please note customers who have already applied hotfixes for Log4j 2.16, do not need to install.

For customers with Commvault Hyperscale X and Distributed storage, please see section new Community article here: 


Apache Log4j information

  • CVE-2021-44228: Apache Log4j2 JNDI features do not protect against attacker controlled LDAP and other JNDI related endpoints. From log4j 2.15.0, this behavior has been disabled by default
  • CVE-2021-45046: Apache Log4j 2.15.0 was incomplete in certain non-default configurations. Log4j 2.16.0 fixes this issue by removing support for message lookup patterns and disabling JNDI functionality by default
  • CVE-2021-45105: Apache Log4j2 did not protect from uncontrolled recursion from self-referential lookups. This allows an attacker with control over Thread Context Map data to cause a denial of service when a crafted string is interpreted. 
  • CVE-2021-4104: JMSAppender in Log4j 1.2 is vulnerable to deserialization of untrusted data.

  • CVE-2021-44832: Apache Log4j2 versions 2.0-beta7 through 2.17.0 (excluding security fix releases 2.3.2 and 2.12.4) are vulnerable to a remote code execution (RCE) attack where an attacker with permission to modify the logging configuration file can construct a malicious configuration using a JDBC Appender with a data source referencing a JNDI URI which can execute remote code.

Note: Log4j version 1.x is NOT affected.

There’s a great blog article that covers the potential impact.



CVE-2021-45105: Commvault can confirm that the affected Log4j2 function is NOT leveraged by Commvault software and thus there is no immediate need to update Commvault to use Log4j 2.17. 

CVE-2021-4104: The Commvault software does not use the JMSAppender module and, therefore, the vulnerability about log4j 1.x versions does not affect any Commvault products.

CVE-2021-44832: The Commvault software does not use the JdbcAppender module and, therefore, the vulnerability about remote code execution attack does not affect any Commvault products.


Identifying and Updating Commvault



Note: check FAQ at the bottom of this post for specific version questions.

The exposure impacts the below Commvault product features:

Cloud Apps package
Oracle agent - Database archiving, data masking, and logical dump backup
Microsoft SQL Server agent - Database archiving, data masking, and table level restore

Commvault Distributed Storage

Commvault Hyperscale X


Identifying affected servers using the Commvault Log4j report


Please use the below direct link to download the Commvault Log4J Affected Servers report then follow step 4 to import and run!/135/663/21789  


Alternatively, follow steps 1-3 to manually download the Commvault report:

  1. Log into and click the Software Store tile icon 
  2. Search the Store for Log4j and click the Download button for the “Log4J affected servers” report 
  3. Log into Command Center and navigate to Reports
  4. At the top right of the Reports page, click Actions and Import report. Proceed to select the downloaded report file to import into Command Center. 
  5. Now you can run the report.

This report will show you any servers with Cloud Apps, SQL Server, and Oracle Database packages installed that may be affected by Log4j vulnerability.
Note: If the resulting report shows No Data to Display, then there are no affected clients in this CommCell

The easiest course of action is to upgrade all servers listed in this report (Oracle, Cloud Apps, and SQL) – that would be the recommendation. However, at a minimum, servers with Database Archiving, Data Masking, or Extent based backups (SQL table level restore) features enabled should have highest priority as the vulnerable log4j package is actively used, while otherwise the packages are dormant.


Maintenance Releases


The table below outlines the specific Maintenance Releases that will both address Log4j 2.x vulnerabilities as well as update Log4j 1.x components to 2.17.1 (the latest release of Log4j)

Note: If the previous Log4j 2.16 hotfixes has already been applied, then this latest Maintenance Release is optional 

Feature Release

Maintenance Release














How to deploy Maintenance Release:


  1. First perform a disaster recovery backup using steps HERE .
  2. OPTIONAL: create a server group containing all the affected servers using instructions HERE.  This can make it easier to select servers for the upgrade process.
  3. Go to documentation to find the list of updates:
  4. Download the maintenance pack for the version the CommServe is running on. 

    If you do not know the CommServe version, in Command Center search for About and click the About search result to bring up the version popup. 
  5. Extract the Maintenance Pack
  6. Follow instructions HERE to copy the software packages to the cache using Command Center.  
  7. Proceed to Install updates following instructions HERE .  You can update only the affected clients to avoid the CommServe services stopping, however it is recommended to update the CommServe and all affected servers as shown on the report for completeness.
  8. Once completed re-rerun the report to show that the servers have the appropriate fixes

Note: For instructions on how to apply Log4j 2.16 hotfixes on older Maintenance Release, please see FAQ


See Commvault Online Documentation for additional information:


HyperScale X and CDS (Hedvig)


For all detailed information on how to update HyperScale X and Commvault Distributed Storage (CDS) to address Log4j vulnerabilities, please see article here:



Log4j FAQ 


Q:   There is a new vulnerability in 2.15 is Commvault addressing this? 

A:   The LOG4J 2.15 version (GA Dec. 06, 2021) disabled the essential exploit functions by default was released last week on Dec 6, 2021. This was considered the market-acceptable, non-vulnerable upgrade package up to today.  

 The Apache organization released a new version, 2.16, on Monday, Dec.13, 2021, which physically removes the vulnerable functions. 

 This evening, the security groups issued a new vulnerability CVE-2021-45046 targeting concerns with the 2.15 version and recommending the shift to 2.16.   

  This significant change affects all client remediation methods, requiring an upgrade to version 2.16.  Log4j 2.16 hotfixes have now been released, please see table above


Q: When will new hotfixes be available for 2.16 log4j? 

A: Log4j 2.16 hotfixes have now been released, please see table above


Q:  I've noticed older 1.x versions of log4j being used in the platform.  Are these vulnerable? 

A:   We have some older instances in the installed component structure related to the older generation Log4J 1.x files which are not part of the current CVE Log4J 2.x vulnerability. We are doing further investigation on those conditions to determine a course of action.  

We do plan to remove all 1.x references in the Feb 1st maintenance release to prevent “false alarms”.  That version is not vulnerable to the current respective CVEs, but it would clear up the scanning concerns.


Q:  I noticed HyperScale 1.5 is using end of life versions of Log4j.  Is this being resolved? 

A:  The 1.x versions of log4j bundled with HyperScale 1.5 are maintained and supported by Redhat.  These versions are not affected by this CVE. 


Q: Are older versions like v10 and v9 affected?

A: These versions are not affected


Q: Why are some updates showing skipped during Copy to Cache?

A: These are updates for Operating Systems your CommCell does not have.  It’s more informational than error related.


Q: Why does the report show No Records Available or No Items to Display?

A: This means there are no affected clients in this CommCell


Q: What order should I apply the updates?

A: The Maintenance Release needs to be installed first, then the Hotfix Pack.  The best option is to use Copy to Cache, followed by pushing the updates out from the GUI as per the instructions.  This will ensure everything is applied as needed in the correct order.


Q: Can I remove versions manually?

A: No, removing anything manually will potentially cause features to not work properly.  Use the Maintenance Releases and Hotfix packs to remediate.


Q: Is Anti-virus a concern?

A: It is possible that an AV service may lock the affected files out of concern and cause features to not work properly.  Use the Maintenance Releases and Hotfix packs to remediate.


Q: How do I download Maintenance Release using CommCell Console?

A: Please follow Commvault Online Documentation steps below


Q: Is Metallic vulnerable to the vulnerability?

A: We have found that the Log4j vulnerability has no impact on Metallic or the security and privacy of your data backups. Metallic does not use the impacted libraries as per the Apache Log4j advisory.

We will continue to proactively monitor and provide any further updates, while customers with questions can reach out to


Q: Log4j scanner is still picking up DbArchiveEngine.jar as potentially vulnerable?

A: Some Log4j scanners are actually incorrectly picking up DbArchiveEngine.jar as potentially vulnerable when in fact it is already patched. This is because the scanner was unable to determine the version of Log4j used and ending up marking it as “potentially vulnerable”. Please note that if you have patched Commvault clients with either the 2.16 hotfix or the latest Maintenance Release, then this DbArchiveEngine.jar binary is also patched and will not have the Log4j 0-day vulnerability. 


Q: I have updated to latest Maintenance Release but Log4j Affected Servers report is still showing my clients as not fixed?

A: There has been a new Log4j Affected Servers report released on December 22nd that has updated the checks to correctly report fixed for clients on the latest Maintenance Release. This new report is version whereas the previous report is


Q: How do I apply the Log4j hotfixes if I am already on the older minimum required Maintenance Release?

A: Please follow below steps:

  1. Ensure the Commserve and affected clients are on the minimum required Maintenance Release pack. 
    1. If not, please download and install using the CommCell Console 
    2. Alternatively, you may download the minimum required Maintenance Release from the links in the table below
  2. Download the Log4J-Fix pack for your version
  3. Unzip the contents of the download
  4. Run Copy To Cache and point to the folder created by the unzip to add the new updates to your software cache
  5. Push out updates to the clients
  6. Verify client status by checking the Log4j Affected Servers report or Client Details report or viewing the client properties

Log4j 2.16 fixes (CVE-2021-44228, CVE-2021-45046)

Feature Release

Minimum Required
Maintenance Release

Update Link (includes 2.16 fix)

Installed Windows

Unix Updates



11.26 Log4J-2.16 Fix





11.25 Log4J-2.16 Fix







11.24 Log4J-2.16 Fix







11.23 Log4J-2.16 Fix







11.22 Log4J-2.16 Fix







11.21 Log4J-2.16 Fix







11.20 Log4J-2.16 Fix







SP16 Log4J-2.16 Fix





@Mike Struening 

@Stuart Painter 

Do we need to update  Commserve , Media agents and all Clients to latest MR ( mentioned below ) or only the Clients which are showing in  Log4J Affected Servers report ?


There were 2  SQL clients in my  Log4J Affected Servers report on which i have already installed 

11.24 Log4J-2.16 Fix . My CS + MA + Clients are at version 11.24.23. Let me know if any action is required ?

I have installed 24.29 on my environment. I' m still seeing that one of my client is showing corrective fix is not installed. Is there anything to check ?



@Mohit Chordia, It would be better to maintain consistent versioning across your environment as any mis-match in versions between Commserve, Media Agents and Clients may cause inconsistencies in behaviour.



@Mohit Chordia  I would strongly recommend to update all clients to the latest version. That way you are sure you are fully up-to-date and that there are no vulnerable version left in the Updates folder that can be picked up by scanners.

@0ber0n There is no new update for the report so the report most likely will not have the logic to take notice of the version that has the fixes embedded. The current version of the report only looks for the separate hotfixes. 

@0ber0n, open a support case for review, issue being “after install of 11.24.29 update, report shows server still not fixed”

@Mohit Chordia  I would strongly recommend to update all clients to the latest version. That way you are sure you are fully up-to-date and that there are no vulnerable version left in the Updates folder that can be picked up by scanners.

@0ber0n There is no new update for the report so the report most likely will not have the logic to take notice of the version that has the fixes embedded. The current version of the report only looks for the separate hotfixes. 


Then I guess the report will be updated soon.

I have installed 24.29 on my environment. I' m still seeing that one of my client is showing corrective fix is not installed. Is there anything to check ?



@0ber0n Did you installed 24.29 on all clients + CS + media agents ? or only on the Clients which were highlighted in log4j  affected servers report ?

hi @MathBob ,


Sticky post at the top has been updated. MR pack rolls up the Log4j 2.16 patches for easy deployment, it does not address Log4j 1.x at this time. Once Log4j 1.x update roadmap is complete, it will be announced.


Thank you

Thanks for the update. I thank you for all your work. I have a few observations/suggestions, and would like you to take them in the spirit of having come from someone who knows how hard you are all working. 


  1. We need a 2.17 fix. We are a government client and they just want this. And with good reason. This one should not be that hard. 
  2. We need a fix for the 1.x libraries to be removed. They have several CVEs all of their very own and, again, the feds do not want to hear it. They want it gone. So - we need to know- is there a way to safely remove these manually? 
  3. Communication there is a little spotty. It’s hard to extract facts from you guys right now. I would suggest that you need to be a little clearer and a little more reliable on what’s being released in terms of info. 

Once again, thanks. 

I have installed 24.29 on my environment. I' m still seeing that one of my client is showing corrective fix is not installed. Is there anything to check ?



@0ber0n Did you installed 24.29 on all clients + CS + media agents ? or only on the Clients which were highlighted in log4j  affected servers report ?

I installed CS+media agents+Web Server+Proxies and the Clients which were highlighted in log4j  affected servers report?

Hi @BHorner 


What path are you seeing the scan results come up? Can you post a screenshot or something?


Thank you

From my previous post C:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\Base\DbJars\DbArchiveEngine.jar is still present on all patched servers, I can provide screenshots if needed. The updates folders were removed with the bundle but this file hasn’t been modified or removed.

hi @BHorner 


Can you raise a support incident to review this further? I checked 11.20.85 and can see the binaries and hotfixes for DBArchiveEngine.jar are indeed present. We will need to check your system to see if updates installed properly at all.

Thank you


I’m not sure we're on the same page; installing the MR is pretty straight forward and I have it applied to the CS/MAs/Clients and verified on the clients .85 is installed. I’m not questioning that the binaries and hotfixes are present; it’s that this specific file still shows up  as containing vulnerable log4j versions with multiple scanners and I was told on a previous post that this directory was “dormant and would be removed with the next MR release” is that not the case?

C:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\Base\DbJars\DbArchiveEngine.jar

We are also a government client and need some guidance on if the intention is to remove or update the above file with the maintenance release or not. Thanks for all your help.

Hi All,

What is the exact Log4j version getting used in MSSQL agent  if that agent is not appearing under the Log4j affected server report. Thanks.

Hi Guys,


on a 11.20.77 not patched version, the report of vulnerable client does not show any affected client, however we have a lot of oracle client installed, is this correct?   





We have a customer reporting that the following file path showed up in one of their reports for the log4j vulnerability: “C:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\Base\DbJars\DbArchiveEngine.jar”


The two servers this was noted on are both on version 11.20.77 with the hotfix installed. Is this file a concern?

@Adam S , This file is one of the files updated in the latest MR, 11.20.85.  the updated .jar file contains the 2.16 binaries.  

@ops-inf.managed   That is possible as we report against the active vulnerability.  It may be the function that creates the vulnerability is not being used, 

  • Oracle agent - Database archiving, data masking, and logical dump backup


@Ashish K,  If you have patched the environment with the latest MR, then the log4j version should be 2.16.  It may also be the function that creates the vulnerability for MSSQL, (Database archiving, data masking, and table level restore) are not being used.

Hi @MathBob 


Thank you for the feedback. At this stage, engineering team are still working on these other Log4j concerns but please note that the priority has been the main 2.15/2.16 fixes as they posed the largest security risk to Commvault customers. That is why hotfixes were prioritized last week and then work was done throughout the weekend to get the rollup Maintenance Release ready for easier deployment.


Next stage is now to look at 2.17 and 1.x and address these. At this stage I do not have an ETA but once we do have more details on timeframes for these fixes, we will be sure to message that out here and update the main sticky thread.


Thank you

Hi @Mohit Chordia 


If you have already updated your impacted SQL servers with the Log4j 2.16 hotfixes, then there is no need to install the latest Maintenance Release at this point. It contains the same fixes, just rolled up for easier installation. This Maintenance Release is ideal for those who have yet to deploy the loose hotfixes so that everything is now rolled up into one package.


Thank you

I have installed 11.24.29 on all clients and the Commserve. But I get also the report, that corrective fix isn’t installed.



We scanned also the systems with the latest logpresso scanner 2.5.3 and got a lot of vulnerability results.

>?] Found CVE-2021-4104  (log4j 1.2) vulnerability in D:\program files\CommVault\Base\vmheartbeatmon\zookeeper\lib\log4j-1.2.16.jar, log4j 1.2.16

p?] Found CVE-2021-4104  (log4j 1.2) vulnerability in D:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\Base\vmheartbeatmon\zookeeper\lib\log4j-1.2.16.jar, log4j 1.2.16

/?] Found CVE-2021-44228 (log4j 2.x) vulnerability in C:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\Base\DbJars\DbArchiveEngine.jar, log4j N/A - potentially vulnerable

/?] Found CVE-2021-42550 (logback 1.2.7) vulnerability in D:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\AdminConsole\WEB-INF\lib\logback-classic-1.2.3.jar, logback 1.2.3

/?] Found CVE-2021-42550 (logback 1.2.7) vulnerability in D:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\Base\tools\logback-classic.jar, logback 1.2.3

/?] Found CVE-2021-42550 (logback 1.2.7) vulnerability in D:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\WebConsole\WEB-INF\lib\logback-classic-1.2.3.jar, logback 1.2.3

/?] Found CVE-2021-4104  (log4j 1.2) vulnerability in D:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\CustomReportsEngine\WEB-INF\lib\activemq-all-5.15.8.jar, log4j 1.2.17

6?] Found CVE-2021-4104  (log4j 1.2) vulnerability in D:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\CVAnalytics\DataCube\app\webapps\server\WEB-INF\lib\log4j.jar, log4j 1.2.17

1?] Found CVE-2021-4104  (log4j 1.2) vulnerability in D:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\CVCIEngine\CvPreviewHome\app\webapps\server\WEB-INF\lib\log4j.jar, log4j 1.2.17

.?] Found CVE-2021-4104  (log4j 1.2) vulnerability in D:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\CVCIEngine\CvPreviewHome\webapps\CvContentPreviewGenApp\WEB-INF\lib\activemq-all-5.15.11.jar, log4j 1.2.17

2?] Found CVE-2021-4104  (log4j 1.2) vulnerability in D:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\CVCIEngine\CvPreviewHome\webapps\CvContentPreviewGenApp\WEB-INF\lib\log4j-1.2.17.jar, log4j 1.2.17

.?] Found CVE-2021-42550 (logback 1.2.7) vulnerability in D:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\CVCIEngine\CvPreviewHome\webapps\CvContentPreviewGenApp\WEB-INF\lib\logback-classic-1.2.3.jar, logback 1.2.3

1?] Found CVE-2021-4104  (log4j 1.2) vulnerability in D:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\CVCIEngine\parserapp\commvault-parser-app-0.1.jar, log4j 1.2.17

1?] Found CVE-2021-4104  (log4j 1.2) vulnerability in D:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\CvFailover\CvMonitoringService\lib\log4j-1.2.16.jar, log4j 1.2.16

?] Found CVE-2021-4104  (log4j 1.2) vulnerability in D:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\CvFailover\lib\log4j-1.2.15.jar, log4j 1.2.15

j?] Found CVE-2021-4104  (log4j 1.2) vulnerability in D:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\CVHtmlExporter\CVAnalytics\DataCube\app\webapps\server\WEB-INF\lib\log4j.jar, log4j 1.2.17

4?] Found CVE-2021-4104  (log4j 1.2) vulnerability in D:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\MessageQueue\activemq-all.jar, log4j 1.2.17

g?] Found CVE-2021-4104  (log4j 1.2) vulnerability in D:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\MessageQueue\lib\optional\log4j-1.2.17.jar, log4j 1.2.17

o?] Found CVE-2021-44228 (log4j 2.x) vulnerability in D:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore2\Base\DbJars\DbArchiveEngine.jar, log4j N/A - potentially vulnerable

?] Found CVE-2021-4104  (log4j 1.2) vulnerability in D:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore2\CvFailover\CvMonitoringService\lib\log4j-1.2.16.jar, log4j 1.2.16

l?] Found CVE-2021-4104  (log4j 1.2) vulnerability in D:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore2\CvFailover\lib\log4j-1.2.15.jar, log4j 1.2.15

?] Found CVE-2021-4104  (log4j 1.2) vulnerability in C:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\Base\vmheartbeatmon\zookeeper\lib\log4j-1.2.16.jar, log4j 1.2.16

,?] Found CVE-2021-44228 (log4j 2.x) vulnerability in D:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\Base\DbJars\DbArchiveEngine.jar, log4j N/A - potentially vulnerable

l?] Found CVE-2021-42550 (logback 1.2.7) vulnerability in D:\program files\commvault\Base\tools\logback-classic.jar, logback 1.2.3

?] Found CVE-2021-4104  (log4j 1.2) vulnerability in D:\program files\commvault\CVAnalytics\DataCube\app\webapps\server\WEB-INF\lib\log4j.jar, log4j 1.2.17

r?] Found CVE-2021-4104  (log4j 1.2) vulnerability in D:\program files\commvault\CVCIEngine\CvPreviewHome\app\webapps\server\WEB-INF\lib\log4j.jar, log4j 1.2.17

a?] Found CVE-2021-4104  (log4j 1.2) vulnerability in D:\program files\commvault\CVCIEngine\CvPreviewHome\webapps\CvContentPreviewGenApp\WEB-INF\lib\activemq-all-5.15.11.jar, log4j 1.2.17

j?] Found CVE-2021-4104  (log4j 1.2) vulnerability in D:\program files\commvault\CVCIEngine\CvPreviewHome\webapps\CvContentPreviewGenApp\WEB-INF\lib\log4j-1.2.17.jar, log4j 1.2.17

.?] Found CVE-2021-42550 (logback 1.2.7) vulnerability in D:\program files\commvault\CVCIEngine\CvPreviewHome\webapps\CvContentPreviewGenApp\WEB-INF\lib\logback-classic-1.2.3.jar, logback 1.2.3

j?] Found CVE-2021-4104  (log4j 1.2) vulnerability in D:\program files\commvault\CVCIEngine\parserapp\commvault-parser-app-0.1.jar, log4j 1.2.17


Does anybody have an information, why this is showing?

Is anything not patched with the last Maintenance Release?


Hi @Nishika 


We are aware of this reporting issue and working on updating this. Suspect it is due to the latest Maintenance Release that report is incorrectly showing “No” under corrective fix column.


In regards to your other scan results, these are Log4j 1.x files. These are not impacted by the critical 0-day Log4j vulnerability which only impacts v2.x prior to 2.15. Commvault will address Log4j 1.x files in the near future but in the interim, please do not delete these as it may impact your backups. 

Hi @Nishika ,


An updated version of the report has been released to address the issues with latest MR pack. Download link is the same as sticky post at top, and copied below:!/135/663/21789


Note that version is now


Thank you

 The Commvault affected client report does not list the client;  version installed on the client SP22-Hot-Fix 3910, SP22-Hot-Fix 3911, SP22-Hot-Fix 3911 it was installed on 14th Dec
 SP is 22.50; however when a customer runs the utility it is showing the following files : 



We have only installed the hotfixes , SP22-Hot-Fix 3911 which was done on Dec 14th as per update log however cant see a reference for hotfix 39120


 The Commvault affected client report does not list the client;  version installed on the client SP22-Hot-Fix 3910, SP22-Hot-Fix 3911, SP22-Hot-Fix 3911 it was installed on 14th Dec
 SP is 22.50; however when a customer runs the utility it is showing the following files : 



We have only installed the hotfixes , SP22-Hot-Fix 3911 which was done on Dec 14th as per update log however cant see a reference for hotfix 39120


Hi @Theseeker 

If the report is not listing your client at all, then the client did not need the patch.


Regarding your scan results, can confirm DbArchiveEngine.jar is incorrectly being picked up by scanners. You can see that the scanner is also unable to determine the version of Log4j used and thus marking as “potentially vulnerable” where in fact this binary has already been patched if you have either the hotfix installed or the latest Maintenance Release.


Thank you

Hi @Nishika 


In regards to your other scan results, these are Log4j 1.x files. These are not impacted by the critical 0-day Log4j vulnerability which only impacts v2.x prior to 2.15. Commvault will address Log4j 1.x files in the near future but in the interim, please do not delete these as it may impact your backups. 

Hi, is there an article stating this as an official stance?

My customers are getting quite tense.

Hi @Nishika 


In regards to your other scan results, these are Log4j 1.x files. These are not impacted by the critical 0-day Log4j vulnerability which only impacts v2.x prior to 2.15. Commvault will address Log4j 1.x files in the near future but in the interim, please do not delete these as it may impact your backups. 

Hi, is there an article stating this as an official stance?

My customers are getting quite tense.


Hi @Shane 


For example here: and

It is mentioned only 2.x versions impacted

Apache Log4j2 2.0-beta9 through 2.12.1 and 2.13.0 through 2.15.0 JNDI features used in configuration, log messages, and parameters do not protect against attacker controlled LDAP and other JNDI related endpoints


Thank you
