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Hello community, 

I would like to ask you for an advice. Lately I`ve found the failure when I did check readiness on media agent (windows 2016, CV version 2022E/11.28.56). 


  1. Communication failure between MediaAgent 172.xx.xx.23 and the client “mediaagent1”. Error returned is:Services on destination are down. 
  2. Communication failure between MediaAgent 172.xx.xx.23 and the DDB MediaAgent “mediaagent1” Error returned is: Error returned is:Services on destination are down.

When I checked services on both media agents, all are up and running. both are in same vlan, so no FW is in place. Both servers were rebooted in last days. DDBs on both MA`s are either online.

if it is a normal FS client, I would push “repair software” option on the media agent. 

Thanks a lot for any advice. 

Hello @lubimkomvolt,

Can you validate if MA “172.xx.xx.23” & media agent1 are used in same library as shared mount path,if so do check if any one is offline.

If not then do a CVPing between these two MAs , if they both are working properly then i would suggest to raise support case to review this further for you.

Hello @Nitesh SIngh

yes both are available via cvping (both ways) and are in libraries with shared mountpaths, which are all online. Therefore it seems, I should open case. 

I will let you know solution here.


Hello @Nitesh SIngh,

issue is solved with CV case. Problem was with existing backup interface pair between the two media agents from error message. When this pair was removed, check readiness passed.

Thank you very much for your opinion and answer.
