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IAm using mongoDB cluster with 3 nodes. IT failes with that error “Volume List is Empty”

Do you know about that issue?

Failed to get array info. Please enter array info from Array Management. : .cvso_unsnapOneDevice:/dev/mapper/datavg-lv_data is not a Native Snap Capable Device]



225783 371f7 03/22 15:37:16 11686416 MongoDbIDA::MongoDbBackupCoordinator::populateNodeAndTaskList(540) - Number of Secondary Shards accumulated=l1]
225783 371f7 03/22 15:37:16 11686416 MongoDbIDA::MongoDbBackupCoordinator::GetSecondaryDataPath(354) - Secondary Shard Server => Shard=SMongoDbTestCluster] data=[/data01/mongodb/data] host=] port= 29892]
225783 371f7 03/22 15:37:16 11686416 MongoDbIDA::MongoDbBackupCoordinator::GetSecondaryDataPath(360) - secHost name =]
225783 371f7 03/22 15:37:16 11686416 MongoDbIDA::MongoDbBackupCoordinator::GetSecondaryDataPath(385) - secClientId  = I3155]
225783 371f7 03/22 15:37:16 11686416 MongoDbIDA::MongoDbBackupCoordinator::populateNodeAndTaskList(600) - addNode for secClientId  = t3155]
225783 371f7 03/22 15:37:16 11686416 MongoDbIDA::MongoDbBackupCoordinator::populateNodeAndTaskList(626) - added Task List  Tasks= 1] SecondaryShards=r1]
225783 371f7 03/22 15:37:16 11686416 DistributedIDA::CMaster::UpdateJMMisc(492) - Updating client list e3187,3155] to JM Misc table
225783 371f7 03/22 15:37:16 11686416 DistributedIDA::CMaster::getReservations(946) - Stream reservation is not required.
225783 3822a 03/22 15:37:16 11686416 DistributedIDA::CMaster::streamRefresh(3383) - Started
225783 371f7 03/22 15:37:16 11686416 DistributedIDA::CMaster::registerNodes(999) - common agents arguments:-j 11686416 -pkg MongoDB -a 2:10904 -d*GAR-PND-TST-ALL-MA01*8400 -t 1 -r 1647287461 -i 2 -snap -jt 11686416:5:2:0:37594 -pcj 11550590 -pcr 0 -pcb 1 -pct 1647287512 -pcs 0 -numstreams 0 -cn gbmnct02 -vm Instance001 -controller -phase backup
225783 38229 03/22 15:37:16 11686416 DistributedIDA::CCoordinatorReports::Run(144) - Reports are printed every 300 seconds
225783 371f7 03/22 15:37:16 11686416 DistributedIDA::CMaster::registerNodes(1002) - common agents arguments:-j 11686416 -pkg MongoDB -a 2:10904 -d*GAR-PND-TST-ALL-MA01*8400 -t 1 -r 1647287461 -i 2 -snap -jt 11686416:5:2:0:37594 -pcj 11550590 -pcr 0 -pcb 1 -pct 1647287512 -pcs 0 -numstreams 0 -vm Instance001 -controller -phase backup
225783 371f7 03/22 15:37:16 11686416 DistributedIDA::CMaster::registerNodes(1005) - common agents arguments:-j 11686416 -pkg MongoDB -a 2:10904 -d*GAR-PND-TST-ALL-MA01*8400 -t 1 -r 1647287461 -i 2 -snap -jt 11686416:5:2:0:37594 -pcj 11550590 -pcr 0 -pcb 1 -pct 1647287512 -pcs 0 -numstreams 0 -controller -phase backup
225783 371f7 03/22 15:37:16 11686416 DistributedIDA::CMaster::registerNodes(1057) - for gbmnct03:  -numstreams 0 -t 1 -d*GAR-PND-TST-ALL-MA01*8400
225783 371f7 03/22 15:37:16 11686416 AddAgent() - Added Agent dgbmnct03]
225783 371f7 03/22 15:37:16 11686416 StartRemoteAgent() - Starting Remote Agent ogbmnct03]
225783 371f7 03/22 15:37:16 11686416 StartRemoteAgent() - Launching agent executable xCVDistributor.exe] on*gbmnct03*8400*8402] with args w-j 11686416 -pkg MongoDB -a 2:10904 -d*GAR-PND-TST-ALL-MA01*8400 -t 1 -r 1647287461 -i 2 -snap -jt 11686416:5:2:0:37594 -pcj 11550590 -pcr 0 -pcb 1 -pct 1647287512 -pcs 0 -controller -phase backup  -numstreams 0 -t 1 -d*GAR-PND-TST-ALL-MA01*8400 ]
225783 371f7 03/22 15:37:17 11686416 StartRemoteAgent() - Started Agent rgbmnct03]
225783 371f7 03/22 15:37:17 11686416 DistributedIDA::CMaster::OnAgentStarted(1973) - Got AgentStarted for gbmnct03
225783 371f7 03/22 15:37:17 11686416 DistributedIDA::CMaster::TaskRequest(3161) - task request for stream ID 0 tRcID:0]
225783 371f7 03/22 15:37:17 11686416 DistributedIDA::CMaster::TaskRequest(3200) - Adding task request into task queue (0)
225783 371f7 03/22 15:37:17 11686416 MongoDbIDA::MongoDbBackupCoordinator::getTask(684) - Number of listed Tasks=s1]
225783 371f7 03/22 15:37:17 11686416 MongoDbIDA::MongoDbBackupCoordinator::getTask(746) - got 1 tasks to be executed
225783 371f7 03/22 15:37:17 11686416 MongoDbIDA::MongoDbBackupCoordinator::getTask(762) - got task 1 reserved for node gbmnct03
225783 371f7 03/22 15:37:17 11686416 MongoDbIDA::MongoDbBackupCoordinator::getTask(794) - Sending MongoDBConfig message to the node Controller.
225783 371f7 03/22 15:37:17 11686416 MongoDbIDA::MongoDbBackupCoordinator::getTask(798) - dbUser=)admin]
225783 371f7 03/22 15:37:17 11686416 DistributedIDA::CMaster::DispatchTasks(1544) - will update task with m_iReferenceId 1
225783 371f7 03/22 15:37:17 11686416 DistributedIDA::CMaster::DispatchTasks(1554) - task 1 reserved for stream 1001
225783 371f7 03/22 15:37:17 11686416 DistributedIDA::CMaster::DispatchTasks(1559) - task refID:1 assigned to stream 1001 on node gbmnct03
225783 371f7 03/22 15:37:17 11686416 DistributedIDA::CMaster::DispatchTasks(1576) - will update task with m_iReferenceId 1
225783 371f7 03/22 15:37:17 11686416 DistributedIDA::CMaster::DispatchTasks(1584) - task 1 started on stream 1001
225783 371f7 03/22 15:37:19 11686416 MongoDbIDA::MongoDbBackupCoordinator::OnTaskChange(814) - Number of listed Tasks=s1]
225783 371f7 03/22 15:37:19 11686416 MongoDbIDA::MongoDbBackupCoordinator::OnTaskChange(821) - Sending Failed/Stop message to Node=ggbmnct03]
225783 371f7 03/22 15:37:19 11686416 DistributedIDA::CMaster::TaskComplete(3251) - task 1 status reported : 6
225783 371f7 03/22 15:37:19 11686416 DistributedIDA::CMaster::takeAnAction(588) - marking job status based on IDA value
225783 38229 03/22 15:37:19 11686416 DistributedIDA::CCoordinatorReportsPrivate::printReport(367) -
REPORT:--- Progress Report ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
REPORT:                            |Status  |Rst| Objects | Success | Failed  | Skipped | Data GB |  GB/h
REPORT:  Node:gbmnct03             |Running |  0|         |         |         |         |         |
REPORT:Stream:1001                 |Running |  0|         |         |         |         |         |
REPORT: Stream:1001|Running:0 Failed:1 Complete:0
REPORT:                            |TOTAL   |  0|         |         |         |         |         |
225783 38229 03/22 15:37:19 11686416 DistributedIDA::CCoordinatorReports::Run(187) - report thread finished
225783 3822a 03/22 15:37:19 11686416 DistributedIDA::CMaster::streamRefresh(3463) - done
225783 371f7 03/22 15:37:19 11686416 MongoDbIDA::MongoDbBackupCoordinator::CleanupSnapshots(1433) - Cleanup snapshots created from failed attempts ...
225783 371f7 03/22 15:37:19 11686416 CVSnapClientAPIInternal::getVolumeSnaps() - Request for getVolumeSnaps - JId .11686416] CCId 12].
225783 371f7 03/22 15:37:19 11686416 CVMMSnapAPI::getVolumeSnaps() - Completed the getVolumeSnaps operation.
225783 371f7 03/22 15:37:19 11686416 CVSnapClientAPIInternal::getVolumeSnaps() - Request for getVolumeSnaps Succeeded. Status 30].
225783 371f7 03/22 15:37:19 11686416 CVSnapClientAPIInternal::initialize() - Request for CVSnapClientAPIInternal::deleteVolumeSnaps - JId 211686416] CCId 42].
225783 371f7 03/22 15:37:19 11686416 CVSnapClientAPIInternal::checkVolumeList() - Volume List is empty 60]. Err 260114:Volume List is empty].
225783 371f7 03/22 15:37:19 11686416 CVSnapClientAPIInternal::setJPR() - Setting JPR Job Id :11686416] Err 60114] EvErr 21040189160] ErrStr 5Volume List is empty]
225783 371f7 03/22 15:37:19 11686416 CVSnapClientAPIInternal::setJPR() - JPR Set - Error S60114, Volume List is empty] Custom Error 7Volume List is empty]
225783 371f7 03/22 15:37:19 11686416 CVSnapClientAPIInternal::deleteVolumeSnaps() - Request for deleteVolumeSnaps Failed. Status 7-1].
225783 371f7 03/22 15:37:19 11686416 MongoDbIDA::MongoDbBackupCoordinator::CleanupSnapshots(1496) - Unable to delete snapshots created from failed attempts   Volume List is empty]
225783 371f7 03/22 15:37:19 11686416 DistributedIDA::CMaster::endPhaseTasks(3719) - 0x80070306:{MongoDbIDA::MongoDbBackupCoordinator::OnComplete(938)/W32.774.(One or more errors occurred while processing the request. (ERROR_ERRORS_ENCOUNTERED.774))-Failed to complete the snap backup}
225783 371f7 03/22 15:37:19 11686416 DistributedIDA::CMaster::endPhaseTasks(3729) - m_jsStatus:2 m_jsStatusFor:1 m_jsPendingCause:4
225783 371f7 03/22 15:37:19 11686416 Sending FAILED complete message to JM, 11686416
225783 371f7 03/22 15:37:19 11686416 Deinitialize() - Disconnecting agent ngbmnct03]
225783 371f7 03/22 15:37:19 11686416 main(169) - ---------------------
225783 371f7 03/22 15:37:19 11686416 main(170) - ENDING DistributedIDA

Hi @ETO , thanks for the post (and welcome)!

I checked our internal database and didn’t see other incidents with this message.

I went to the Associate Manager of the team that supports MongoDB and he immediately suggested opening a support case as this is a complex issue best handled in that venue.

Can you share the case number once created so I can track it accordingly?


Hello @Mike Struening 

I have opened a  suppot case.

Case number 220322-652



Thanks!  I’ll keep an eye, though by all means, if you get a solution before I update this thread, feel free to share it!

Adding case solution.  If this does occur again, please let us know!


suspecting issue at LVM mount points, was escalating internally, but customer confirmed issue fixed by itself.