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I am wondering what this report means, i sow another topic about its. And if you make multi MP on the same drive then the calculation of storage might be wrong.


We have 2 Libraries and we using 4 MA's. For each LUN i create seperate MP at disklibrary/name of MP


At the fstab configuration the 1 LUN not mounted on 2 differents MP's. So what does this reports means ? 




We are using 4 MA's and 2 libraries.


MA a and b sharing MP's and c and d sharing aswell

Hello @Egor Skepko 

Thanks for the great question! When a mount path is configured we make an assumption that the entire mount path is going to be used and available so we report the remaining space as free. 

If you put two mount paths pointing to the same location then both will report that they have 2X amount of free space when in reality you only have half that amount. 

based on your screenshot you have 9 paths pointing to location “/disklibrary”. If each of these are their own mount point and pointing to their own storage then there is no issue. But if the location “/disklibrary” is just a single location then you will have reported free space 9 time greater than the real number. 


Hope this explains your questions.

Kind regards

Albert Williams

@Albert Williams Inside /disklibrary i made multi map's to mout MP. Each mountpoint have his own lun. 
