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Hi Team,

I am successfully took the backup of mysql database, but now I have to run pre and post scripts. I want to run application consistent backup for mysql database so for this I got the pre and post scripts from below link.

Can you please let me know, where to add this scripts. I mean in sql database where should I load the scripts and how can I execute this.

Can you please help me to solve this.




Hi @Naveenkumarhn 

Are you doing Virtual server backups and make MySQL DB app consistent?

For agent based MySQL backups we don’t need to run any pre-post scripts to keep backup consistent.




Hi @Sunil 

Thanks for your quick reply.

I am trying MySQL DB app consistent backup, as you said if we dont need to run any pre and post scripts how they app consistent will work for mysql.

I have another question, when I check mysql database properties, I can see pre-post scripts tab so there I can upload the pre and post scripts? but not sure which path I have to give.




Hi @Naveenkumarhn 

I meant, for MySQL agent based backups we don’t need to run any scripts. In the backup process itself we run “flush tables with read lock” which ensures the consistency of the dump.

However, I still didn’t understand if you are running VM backups using VSA agent or direct database backups using MySQL agent.





I am trying MySQL DB app consistent backup, as you said if we dont need to run any pre and post scripts how they app consistent will work for mysql.

I have another question, when I check mysql database properties, I can see pre-post scripts tab so there I can upload the pre and post scripts? but not sure which path I have to give.

The pre/post script paths are locations locally on the Client.  You can click Browse to see.

However, as mentioned, the MySQL agent doesn’t require any pre/post scripts for consistency.

The documentation you shared is for a VM running MySQL in Google Cloud.  These do not apply if you’re talking about the MySQL agent installed on a Client.
