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Hi Team,

We have oracle DBs which is having below schedules and retention

Weekly FUll  DB Backup- 3 months (Schedule - second, third , fourth and fifth week of month)

Month FUll DB Backup - 1 Year ( Schedule First week of month)

Archives - Incremental Every 3hrs retention 3 months.

I have below queries here
1) I am having archive backup retention 3 months. If i get a restore request for the monthly Full  Backup data (which was backed up one year ago) + Archives. Is it possible to restore the archives since i am having only 3 months of retention for the archives. If this is not possible what action i have to take here so that monthly DB backup + Archives can also be retained for 1 year + whatever archives are backed up for the weekly FULL backup those archives should be retained for only 3 months.

Kindly suggest what changes are required here so that we can do apply to our setup.​​​​​



Good afternoon.  If your concern is with bringing the database into consistency as of the end-of-backup timestamp, then you can accomplish this by making sure Selective Online Full is enabled on the subclient.  

If you are wanting to restore your year old full and then recover to an arbitrary point-in-time, we would need to understand more about your needs first.

Hii @Orazan,

Yes we do have selective online FULL option enabled in subclient. 

Main concern here is how Monthly Full Backup with 1 year retention + Archive Backup (schedule every 3 hrs) with 3 months retention is valid from restore point of view. Like if i want to restore the data which with 1 year old backup job then that monthly full backup would also required archives backup restore which are generated after the monthly FULL Backup rite ? correct me here

If the answer is yes then what changes i have to with the archives backups? as currently i am having archive backup  which triggers every 3 hrs. DO i have to add one more archive schedule with 1 year retention which would trigger after the Full DB backup ? or do i have to do changes in the current archives backups ?

@IS_CV you should be able to apply Extended Retention to your Selective Online Fulls (or move them to a Selective Aux Copy).

this way, you have all the data you need for that extended time period.