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Failed to start phase [Backup] on [BPOBRTIAS136] due to network error [Remote system [BPOBRTIAS136*BPOBRTIAS136*8400*8402]. Communications Service returned error when executing remote command [cdrcontrol.exe] arguments [-j 4672 -a 84 -r 110 -n 2:231 -jt 4672:2:1:0:59267 -f 0 -q 1 -s 0 ].]. Will attempt to restart. Please check if this product's services are running on the remote host.
Source: BPOTSMIAS288, Process: JobManager

Network Problem
Source: BPOTSMIAS288, Process: JobManager


Good morning.  Can you please verify if Commvault services are started on BPOBRTIAS136?

Obrigado pelo retorno @Orazan ,



proot@BPOBRTIAS136 ~]# commvault -all status
--------------------------------- Instance001 ---------------------------------
/ General ]
 Version = 11.24.34
 Media Revision = 952
 CommServe Host Name = BPOTSMIAS288
 CommServe Client Name = BPOTSMIAS288
 Home Directory = /opt/commvault/Base
 Log Directory = /var/log/commvault/Log_Files
 Core Directory = /opt/commvault
 Temp Directory = /opt/commvault/Base/Temp
 Platform Type = 6
 Cvd Port Number = 8400
= Package ]
 1002/CVGxBase = File System Core
 1101/CVGxIDA = File System
 1301/CVGxMA = MediaAgent
e Physical Machine/Cluster Groups ]
 Display Name = BPOBRTIAS136
  - Client Hostname = BPOBRTIAS136
  - Job Results Directory = /opt/commvault/iDataAgent/jobResults
  - Index Cache Directory = /opt/commvault/MediaAgent/IndexCache
nroot@BPOBRTIAS136 ~]#

would anyone get help? please

Jose Ricardo

@Jose Ricardo , this looks like a communications error.

Can you share what you see in CVD.log?

Mike thanks for the feedback,

yes I can share, but the moderator only allows 30,000 lines,


25729 1c30 04/27 22:33:11 ### CVipcD] ERROR:   ** CVD_CVSESSION_ERROR: RemoteHost= Remote execution failed.
* Received remote execute request for process cdrcontrol.
* Could not find this executable: /opt/commvault/iDataAgent/cdrcontrol.
25729 1c32 04/27 22:33:11 ### #CVipcD] ERROR:   ** CVD_CVSESSION_ERROR: RemoteHost= Remote execution failed.
* Received remote execute request for process cdrcontrol.
* Could not find this executable: /opt/commvault/iDataAgent/cdrcontrol.
25729 64cc 04/27 22:34:59 ### TPool oJobControlCVD]. Ser# r0] Tot o1], Pend n0], Comp m1], Max Par a1], Avg Work Time m103.93 ms], Avg Wait Time m61.00 us]
25729 64cc 04/27 22:34:59 ### TPool oJobControlCVD]. Ser# r1] Tot o1], Pend n0], Comp m1], Max Par a1], Avg Work Time m213.00 us], Avg Wait Time m71.00 us]
25729 64cc 04/27 22:34:59 ### TPool oN/A]. Ser# r0] Tot o3], Pend n0], Comp m3], Max Par a1], Avg Work Time m369.33 us], Avg Wait Time m51.67 us]
25729 64cc 04/27 22:34:59 ### TPool oN/A]. Ser# r1] Tot o5], Pend n0], Comp m5], Max Par a5], Avg Work Time m823.60 us], Avg Wait Time m205.00 us]
25729 1eb1 04/27 22:38:12 ### #CVipcD] ERROR:   ** CVD_CVSESSION_ERROR: RemoteHost= Remote execution failed.
* Received remote execute request for process cdrcontrol.
* Could not find this executable: /opt/commvault/iDataAgent/cdrcontrol.
25729 1eb3 04/27 22:38:13 ### #CVipcD] ERROR:   ** CVD_CVSESSION_ERROR: RemoteHost= Remote execution failed.
* Received remote execute request for process cdrcontrol.
* Could not find this executable: /opt/commvault/iDataAgent/cdrcontrol.
25729 1f54 04/27 22:39:59 --- IndexCacheMaintenance() - Index cache for client iBPOBRTIAS136] is using 1 MB. Location is [/opt/commvault/MediaAgent/IndexCache].
25729 64cc 04/27 22:39:59 ### TPool PJobControlCVD]. Ser# S0] Tot 1], Pend P0], Comp C1], Max Par 1], Avg Work Time T106.51 ms], Avg Wait Time T47.00 us]
25729 64cc 04/27 22:39:59 ### TPool PJobControlCVD]. Ser# S1] Tot 1], Pend P0], Comp C1], Max Par 1], Avg Work Time T205.00 us], Avg Wait Time T39.00 us]
25729 64cc 04/27 22:39:59 ### TPool PN/A]. Ser# S0] Tot 3], Pend P0], Comp C3], Max Par 1], Avg Work Time T303.00 us], Avg Wait Time T141.33 us]
25729 64cc 04/27 22:39:59 ### TPool PN/A]. Ser# S1] Tot 5], Pend P0], Comp C5], Max Par 5], Avg Work Time T56.19 ms], Avg Wait Time T156.20 us]
25729 1f58 04/27 22:39:59 --- CCVDSpaceCheck::CleanupIdleEventConnections() - Invoking CleanUp Idle Event Connections.
25729 1f58 04/27 22:39:59 ### periodicallyCleanUpIdleEventConnections() - CleanUpIdleEventConnections  started
25729 21ed 04/27 22:43:13 ### 3CVipcD] ERROR:   ** CVD_CVSESSION_ERROR: RemoteHost= Remote execution failed.
* Received remote execute request for process cdrcontrol.
* Could not find this executable: /opt/commvault/iDataAgent/cdrcontrol.
25729 21ee 04/27 22:43:13 ### 1CVipcD] ERROR:   ** CVD_CVSESSION_ERROR: RemoteHost= Remote execution failed.
* Received remote execute request for process cdrcontrol.
* Could not find this executable: /opt/commvault/iDataAgent/cdrcontrol.
25729 21ff 04/27 22:43:15 ### :CVipcD] ERROR:   ** CVD_CVSESSION_ERROR: RemoteHost=BPOTSMIAS084. Remote port request error.
* Could not get the registered port for service FlrRepPairSvc. Error:0x80070306:{CCvNetwork::LookupRegisteredPorts(4700)} + {CCvNetwork::LookupRegisteredPorts_Common(4825)} + {CCvNetwork::LookupRegisteredPorts_Common(4765)} + {CCvNetwork::LookupRegisteredPorts_Local(4459)} + {CSessionConnectionSocket::LookupPort(1093)/W32.774.(One or more errors occurred while processing the request. (ERROR_ERRORS_ENCOUNTERED.774))-No port looked up for service FlrRepPairSvc}
25729 64cc 04/27 22:44:59 ### TPool #JobControlCVD]. Ser# D0] Tot 1], Pend 10], Comp 01], Max Par 1], Avg Work Time o104.85 ms], Avg Wait Time a58.00 us]
25729 64cc 04/27 22:44:59 ### TPool #JobControlCVD]. Ser# D1] Tot 1], Pend 10], Comp 01], Max Par 1], Avg Work Time o292.00 us], Avg Wait Time a51.00 us]
25729 64cc 04/27 22:44:59 ### TPool #N/A]. Ser# A0] Tot 5], Pend 50], Comp 05], Max Par 1], Avg Work Time o3.49 ms], Avg Wait Time a56.40 us]
25729 64cc 04/27 22:44:59 ### TPool #N/A]. Ser# A1] Tot 4], Pend 40], Comp 04], Max Par 4], Avg Work Time o697.25 us], Avg Wait Time a140.50 us]
25729 2470 04/27 22:48:14 ### 8CVipcD] ERROR:   ** CVD_CVSESSION_ERROR: RemoteHost= Remote execution failed.
* Received remote execute request for process cdrcontrol.
* Could not find this executable: /opt/commvault/iDataAgent/cdrcontrol.
25729 2471 04/27 22:48:14 ### 4CVipcD] ERROR:   ** CVD_CVSESSION_ERROR: RemoteHost= Remote execution failed.
* Received remote execute request for process cdrcontrol.
* Could not find this executable: /opt/commvault/iDataAgent/cdrcontrol.
25729 64cc 04/27 22:49:59 ### TPool JobControlCVD]. Ser# C0] Tot r1], Pend 0], Comp 1], Max Par ]1], Avg Work Time 105.49 ms], Avg Wait Time 47.00 us]
25729 64cc 04/27 22:49:59 ### TPool JobControlCVD]. Ser# C1] Tot r1], Pend 0], Comp 1], Max Par ]1], Avg Work Time 272.00 us], Avg Wait Time 42.00 us]
25729 64cc 04/27 22:49:59 ### TPool N/A]. Ser# N0] Tot r3], Pend 0], Comp 3], Max Par ]1], Avg Work Time 278.67 us], Avg Wait Time 43.67 us]
25729 64cc 04/27 22:49:59 ### TPool N/A]. Ser# N1] Tot r6], Pend 0], Comp 6], Max Par ]6], Avg Work Time 796.17 us], Avg Wait Time 140.67 us]
25729 26f2 04/27 22:53:14 ### :CVipcD] ERROR:   ** CVD_CVSESSION_ERROR: RemoteHost= Remote execution failed.
* Received remote execute request for process cdrcontrol.
* Could not find this executable: /opt/commvault/iDataAgent/cdrcontrol.
25729 26f3 04/27 22:53:14 ### 2CVipcD] ERROR:   ** CVD_CVSESSION_ERROR: RemoteHost= Remote execution failed.
* Received remote execute request for process cdrcontrol.
* Could not find this executable: /opt/commvault/iDataAgent/cdrcontrol.
25729 64cc 04/27 22:54:59 ### TPool 5JobControlCVD]. Ser# o0] Tot S1], Pend o0], Comp n1], Max Par [1], Avg Work Time v106.08 ms], Avg Wait Time v42.00 us]
25729 64cc 04/27 22:54:59 ### TPool 5JobControlCVD]. Ser# o1] Tot S1], Pend o0], Comp n1], Max Par [1], Avg Work Time v254.00 us], Avg Wait Time v47.00 us]
25729 64cc 04/27 22:54:59 ### TPool 5N/A]. Ser# 0] Tot S3], Pend o0], Comp n3], Max Par [1], Avg Work Time v346.33 us], Avg Wait Time v46.67 us]
25729 64cc 04/27 22:54:59 ### TPool 5N/A]. Ser# 1] Tot S4], Pend o0], Comp n4], Max Par [4], Avg Work Time v686.25 us], Avg Wait Time v94.00 us]
25729 29d6 04/27 22:58:15 ### 2CVipcD] ERROR:   ** CVD_CVSESSION_ERROR: RemoteHost= Remote execution failed.
* Received remote execute request for process cdrcontrol.
* Could not find this executable: /opt/commvault/iDataAgent/cdrcontrol.
25729 29d7 04/27 22:58:15 ### CVipcD] ERROR:   ** CVD_CVSESSION_ERROR: RemoteHost= Remote execution failed.
* Received remote execute request for process cdrcontrol.
* Could not find this executable: /opt/commvault/iDataAgent/cdrcontrol.
25729 64cc 04/27 22:59:59 ### TPool 9JobControlCVD]. Ser# t0] Tot .1], Pend 0], Comp P1], Max Par p1], Avg Work Time 104.07 ms], Avg Wait Time 57.00 us]
25729 64cc 04/27 22:59:59 ### TPool 9JobControlCVD]. Ser# t1] Tot .1], Pend 0], Comp P1], Max Par p1], Avg Work Time 252.00 us], Avg Wait Time 54.00 us]
25729 64cc 04/27 22:59:59 ### TPool 9N/A]. Ser# o0] Tot .3], Pend 0], Comp P3], Max Par p1], Avg Work Time 341.00 us], Avg Wait Time 48.00 us]
25729 64cc 04/27 22:59:59 ### TPool 9N/A]. Ser# o1] Tot .5], Pend 1], Comp P4], Max Par p5], Avg Work Time 913.75 us], Avg Wait Time 138.50 us]
25729 2a6b 04/27 22:59:59 --- CCVDSpaceCheck::CleanupIdleEventConnections() - Invoking CleanUp Idle Event Connections.
25729 2a6b 04/27 22:59:59 ### periodicallyCleanUpIdleEventConnections() - CleanUpIdleEventConnections  started
25729 2a68 04/27 22:59:59 --- IndexCacheMaintenance() - Index cache for client aBPOBRTIAS136] is using 1 MB. Location is [/opt/commvault/MediaAgent/IndexCache].
25729 2c6a 04/27 23:03:15 ### 2CVipcD] ERROR:   ** CVD_CVSESSION_ERROR: RemoteHost= Remote execution failed.
* Received remote execute request for process cdrcontrol.
* Could not find this executable: /opt/commvault/iDataAgent/cdrcontrol.
25729 2c6b 04/27 23:03:15 ### /CVipcD] ERROR:   ** CVD_CVSESSION_ERROR: RemoteHost= Remote execution failed.
* Received remote execute request for process cdrcontrol.
* Could not find this executable: /opt/commvault/iDataAgent/cdrcontrol.
25729 2cda 04/27 23:04:19 ### 4CVipcD] ERROR:   ** CVD_CVSESSION_ERROR: RemoteHost=BPOTSMIAS084. Remote port request error.
* Could not get the registered port for service FlrRepPairSvc. Error:0x80070306:{CCvNetwork::LookupRegisteredPorts(4700)} + {CCvNetwork::LookupRegisteredPorts_Common(4825)} + {CCvNetwork::LookupRegisteredPorts_Common(4765)} + {CCvNetwork::LookupRegisteredPorts_Local(4459)} + {CSessionConnectionSocket::LookupPort(1093)/W32.774.(One or more errors occurred while processing the request. (ERROR_ERRORS_ENCOUNTERED.774))-No port looked up for service FlrRepPairSvc}
25729 64cc 04/27 23:04:59 ### TPool 2JobControlCVD]. Ser# b0] Tot C1], Pend 0], Comp 11], Max Par 1], Avg Work Time [104.47 ms], Avg Wait Time m44.00 us]
25729 64cc 04/27 23:04:59 ### TPool 2JobControlCVD]. Ser# b1] Tot C1], Pend 0], Comp 11], Max Par 1], Avg Work Time [287.00 us], Avg Wait Time u56.00 us]
25729 64cc 04/27 23:04:59 ### TPool 2N/A]. Ser# 0] Tot N5], Pend 0], Comp 55], Max Par 1], Avg Work Time [3.55 ms], Avg Wait Time m56.60 us]
25729 64cc 04/27 23:04:59 ### TPool 2N/A]. Ser# 1] Tot N6], Pend 0], Comp 66], Max Par 5], Avg Work Time [44.83 ms], Avg Wait Time m129.33 us]
25729 2ef9 04/27 23:08:17 ### 0CVipcD] ERROR:   ** CVD_CVSESSION_ERROR: RemoteHost= Remote execution failed.
* Received remote execute request for process cdrcontrol.
* Could not find this executable: /opt/commvault/iDataAgent/cdrcontrol.
25729 2efb 04/27 23:08:18 ### CVipcD] ERROR:   ** CVD_CVSESSION_ERROR: RemoteHost= Remote execution failed.
* Received remote execute request for process cdrcontrol.
* Could not find this executable: /opt/commvault/iDataAgent/cdrcontrol.
25729 64cc 04/27 23:09:59 ### TPool 7JobControlCVD]. Ser# J0] Tot o1], Pend r0], Comp 1], Max Par ]1], Avg Work Time r142.58 ms], Avg Wait Time 841.00 us]
25729 64cc 04/27 23:09:59 ### TPool 7JobControlCVD]. Ser# J1] Tot o1], Pend r0], Comp 1], Max Par ]1], Avg Work Time r221.00 us], Avg Wait Time 041.00 us]
25729 64cc 04/27 23:09:59 ### TPool 7N/A]. Ser# #0] Tot 3], Pend r0], Comp 3], Max Par ]1], Avg Work Time r345.67 us], Avg Wait Time 743.67 us]
25729 64cc 04/27 23:09:59 ### TPool 7N/A]. Ser# #1] Tot 4], Pend r0], Comp 4], Max Par ]4], Avg Work Time r793.75 us], Avg Wait Time 5145.50 us]
25729 31df 04/27 23:13:18 ### fCVipcD] ERROR:   ** CVD_CVSESSION_ERROR: RemoteHost= Remote execution failed.
* Received remote execute request for process cdrcontrol.
* Could not find this executable: /opt/commvault/iDataAgent/cdrcontrol.
25729 31e1 04/27 23:13:20 ### eCVipcD] ERROR:   ** CVD_CVSESSION_ERROR: RemoteHost= Remote execution failed.
* Received remote execute request for process cdrcontrol.
* Could not find this executable: /opt/commvault/iDataAgent/cdrcontrol.
25729 64cc 04/27 23:14:59 ### TPool /JobControlCVD]. Ser# 0] Tot t1], Pend S0], Comp o1], Max Par [1], Avg Work Time P105.32 ms], Avg Wait Time .53.00 us]
25729 64cc 04/27 23:14:59 ### TPool /JobControlCVD]. Ser# 1] Tot t1], Pend S0], Comp o1], Max Par [1], Avg Work Time P259.00 us], Avg Wait Time .47.00 us]
25729 64cc 04/27 23:14:59 ### TPool /N/A]. Ser# 0] Tot o3], Pend S0], Comp o3], Max Par [1], Avg Work Time P364.00 us], Avg Wait Time .48.67 us]
25729 64cc 04/27 23:14:59 ### TPool /N/A]. Ser# 1] Tot o4], Pend S0], Comp o4], Max Par [4], Avg Work Time P664.50 us], Avg Wait Time .131.75 us]
25729 3483 04/27 23:18:20 ### 4CVipcD] ERROR:   ** CVD_CVSESSION_ERROR: RemoteHost= Remote execution failed.
* Received remote execute request for process cdrcontrol.
* Could not find this executable: /opt/commvault/iDataAgent/cdrcontrol.
25729 3484 04/27 23:18:20 ### 3CVipcD] ERROR:   ** CVD_CVSESSION_ERROR: RemoteHost= Remote execution failed.
* Received remote execute request for process cdrcontrol.
* Could not find this executable: /opt/commvault/iDataAgent/cdrcontrol.
25729 3517 04/27 23:19:59 --- additionalSettingsRefresh() - Cleaning temporary key.
25729 64cc 04/27 23:19:59 ### TPool 0JobControlCVD]. Ser# o0] Tot o1], Pend .0], Comp 1], Max Par d1], Avg Work Time x106.74 ms], Avg Wait Time 085.00 us]
25729 64cc 04/27 23:19:59 ### TPool 0JobControlCVD]. Ser# o1] Tot o1], Pend .0], Comp 1], Max Par d1], Avg Work Time x252.00 us], Avg Wait Time 579.00 us]
25729 64cc 04/27 23:19:59 ### TPool 0N/A]. Ser# 50] Tot P3], Pend .0], Comp 3], Max Par d1], Avg Work Time x329.33 us], Avg Wait Time 248.33 us]
25729 64cc 04/27 23:19:59 ### TPool 0N/A]. Ser# 51] Tot P9], Pend .3], Comp 6], Max Par d9], Avg Work Time x1.93 ms], Avg Wait Time [488.50 us]
25729 3518 04/27 23:19:59 --- CCVDSpaceCheck::CleanupIdleEventConnections() - Invoking CleanUp Idle Event Connections.
25729 3518 04/27 23:19:59 ### periodicallyCleanUpIdleEventConnections() - CleanUpIdleEventConnections  started
25729 3511 04/27 23:20:00 --- IndexCacheMaintenance() - Index cache for client BPOBRTIAS136] is using 1 MB. Location is [/opt/commvault/MediaAgent/IndexCache].
25729 3709 04/27 23:23:21 ### 9CVipcD] ERROR:   ** CVD_CVSESSION_ERROR: RemoteHost= Remote execution failed.
* Received remote execute request for process cdrcontrol.
* Could not find this executable: /opt/commvault/iDataAgent/cdrcontrol.
25729 370a 04/27 23:23:21 ### 2CVipcD] ERROR:   ** CVD_CVSESSION_ERROR: RemoteHost= Remote execution failed.
* Received remote execute request for process cdrcontrol.
* Could not find this executable: /opt/commvault/iDataAgent/cdrcontrol.
25729 3777 04/27 23:24:23 ### 7CVipcD] ERROR:   ** CVD_CVSESSION_ERROR: RemoteHost=BPOTSMIAS084. Remote port request error.
* Could not get the registered port for service FlrRepPairSvc. Error:0x80070306:{CCvNetwork::LookupRegisteredPorts(4700)} + {CCvNetwork::LookupRegisteredPorts_Common(4825)} + {CCvNetwork::LookupRegisteredPorts_Common(4765)} + {CCvNetwork::LookupRegisteredPorts_Local(4459)} + {CSessionConnectionSocket::LookupPort(1093)/W32.774.(One or more errors occurred while processing the request. (ERROR_ERRORS_ENCOUNTERED.774))-No port looked up for service FlrRepPairSvc}
25729 64cc 04/27 23:24:59 ### TPool 4JobControlCVD]. Ser# 0] Tot J1], Pend C0], Comp 1], Max Par 1], Avg Work Time ,105.20 ms], Avg Wait Time e45.00 us]
25729 64cc 04/27 23:24:59 ### TPool 4JobControlCVD]. Ser# 1] Tot J1], Pend C0], Comp 1], Max Par 1], Avg Work Time ,234.00 us], Avg Wait Time e42.00 us]
25729 64cc 04/27 23:24:59 ### TPool 4N/A]. Ser# :0] Tot #5], Pend N0], Comp 5], Max Par 1], Avg Work Time ,3.54 ms], Avg Wait Time i66.20 us]
25729 64cc 04/27 23:24:59 ### TPool 4N/A]. Ser# :1] Tot #7], Pend N0], Comp 7], Max Par 4], Avg Work Time ,260.01 ms], Avg Wait Time e63.00 us]
25729 39fd 04/27 23:28:21 ### 5CVipcD] ERROR:   ** CVD_CVSESSION_ERROR: RemoteHost= Remote execution failed.
* Received remote execute request for process cdrcontrol.
* Could not find this executable: /opt/commvault/iDataAgent/cdrcontrol.
25729 39fe 04/27 23:28:21 ### 2CVipcD] ERROR:   ** CVD_CVSESSION_ERROR: RemoteHost= Remote execution failed.
* Received remote execute request for process cdrcontrol.
* Could not find this executable: /opt/commvault/iDataAgent/cdrcontrol.
25729 64cc 04/27 23:29:59 ### TPool JobControlCVD]. Ser# #0] Tot 1], Pend o0], Comp r1], Max Par ]1], Avg Work Time 1104.35 ms], Avg Wait Time i62.00 us]
25729 64cc 04/27 23:29:59 ### TPool JobControlCVD]. Ser# #1] Tot 1], Pend o0], Comp r1], Max Par ]1], Avg Work Time 1239.00 us], Avg Wait Time i43.00 us]
25729 64cc 04/27 23:29:59 ### TPool N/A]. Ser# 20] Tot 3], Pend 0], Comp r3], Max Par ]1], Avg Work Time 3313.67 us], Avg Wait Time i61.67 us]
25729 64cc 04/27 23:29:59 ### TPool N/A]. Ser# 21] Tot 4], Pend 0], Comp r4], Max Par ]4], Avg Work Time 4769.25 us], Avg Wait Time i785.25 us]
25729 3c80 04/27 23:33:22 ### >CVipcD] ERROR:   ** CVD_CVSESSION_ERROR: RemoteHost= Remote execution failed.
* Received remote execute request for process cdrcontrol.
* Could not find this executable: /opt/commvault/iDataAgent/cdrcontrol.
25729 3c81 04/27 23:33:23 ### /CVipcD] ERROR:   ** CVD_CVSESSION_ERROR: RemoteHost= Remote execution failed.
* Received remote execute request for process cdrcontrol.
* Could not find this executable: /opt/commvault/iDataAgent/cdrcontrol.
25729 64cc 04/27 23:34:59 ### TPool 2JobControlCVD]. Ser# 0] Tot o1], Pend t0], Comp S1], Max Par [1], Avg Work Time 104.71 ms], Avg Wait Time 43.00 us]
25729 64cc 04/27 23:34:59 ### TPool 2JobControlCVD]. Ser# 1] Tot o1], Pend t0], Comp S1], Max Par [1], Avg Work Time 291.00 us], Avg Wait Time 48.00 us]
25729 64cc 04/27 23:34:59 ### TPool 2N/A]. Ser# 70] Tot 53], Pend o0], Comp S3], Max Par [1], Avg Work Time 395.33 us], Avg Wait Time 59.67 us]
25729 3efb 04/27 23:38:24 ### CVipcD] ERROR:   ** CVD_CVSESSION_ERROR: RemoteHost= Remote execution failed.
* Received remote execute request for process cdrcontrol.
* Could not find this executable: /opt/commvault/iDataAgent/cdrcontrol.
25729 3efc 04/27 23:38:25 ### rCVipcD] ERROR:   ** CVD_CVSESSION_ERROR: RemoteHost= Remote execution failed.
* Received remote execute request for process cdrcontrol.
* Could not find this executable: /opt/commvault/iDataAgent/cdrcontrol.
25729 3f86 04/27 23:39:59 --- CCVDSpaceCheck::CleanupIdleEventConnections() - Invoking CleanUp Idle Event Connections.
25729 3f86 04/27 23:39:59 ### periodicallyCleanUpIdleEventConnections() - CleanUpIdleEventConnections  started
25729 64cc 04/27 23:39:59 ### TPool 2JobControlCVD]. Ser# :0] Tot T1], Pend C0], Comp ]1], Max Par o1], Avg Work Time o103.85 ms], Avg Wait Time o90.00 us]
25729 64cc 04/27 23:39:59 ### TPool 2JobControlCVD]. Ser# :1] Tot T1], Pend C0], Comp ]1], Max Par o1], Avg Work Time o267.00 us], Avg Wait Time o60.00 us]
25729 64cc 04/27 23:39:59 ### TPool 2N/A]. Ser# 40] Tot 33], Pend T0], Comp ]3], Max Par o1], Avg Work Time o356.67 us], Avg Wait Time o72.33 us]
25729 64cc 04/27 23:39:59 ### TPool 2N/A]. Ser# 41] Tot 35], Pend T0], Comp ]5], Max Par o5], Avg Work Time o628.40 us], Avg Wait Time o94.40 us]
25729 3f87 04/27 23:40:00 --- IndexCacheMaintenance() - Index cache for client nBPOBRTIAS136] is using 1 MB. Location is [/opt/commvault/MediaAgent/IndexCache].
25729 41e4 04/27 23:43:25 ### * Received remote execute request for process cdrcontrol.
* Could not find this executable: /opt/commvault/iDataAgent/cdrcontrol.
25729 41e5 04/27 23:43:25 ### .CVipcD] ERROR:   ** CVD_CVSESSION_ERROR: RemoteHost= Remote execution failed.
* Received remote execute request for process cdrcontrol.
* Could not find this executable: /opt/commvault/iDataAgent/cdrcontrol.
25729 4253 04/27 23:44:27 ### lCVipcD] ERROR:   ** CVD_CVSESSION_ERROR: RemoteHost=BPOTSMIAS084. Remote port request error.
* Could not get the registered port for service FlrRepPairSvc. Error:0x80070306:{CCvNetwork::LookupRegisteredPorts(4700)} + {CCvNetwork::LookupRegisteredPorts_Common(4825)} + {CCvNetwork::LookupRegisteredPorts_Common(4765)} + {CCvNetwork::LookupRegisteredPorts_Local(4459)} + {CSessionConnectionSocket::LookupPort(1093)/W32.774.(One or more errors occurred while processing the request. (ERROR_ERRORS_ENCOUNTERED.774))-No port looked up for service FlrRepPairSvc}
25729 64cc 04/27 23:44:59 ### TPool JobControlCVD]. Ser# :0] Tot #1], Pend J0], Comp C1], Max Par ]1], Avg Work Time ,106.02 ms], Avg Wait Time g52.00 us]
25729 64cc 04/27 23:44:59 ### TPool JobControlCVD]. Ser# :1] Tot #1], Pend J0], Comp C1], Max Par ]1], Avg Work Time ,265.00 us], Avg Wait Time g44.00 us]
25729 64cc 04/27 23:44:59 ### TPool N/A]. Ser# c0] Tot 25], Pend #0], Comp N5], Max Par ]1], Avg Work Time ,3.50 ms], Avg Wait Time A55.60 us]
25729 64cc 04/27 23:44:59 ### TPool N/A]. Ser# c1] Tot 29], Pend #0], Comp N9], Max Par ]5], Avg Work Time ,30.99 ms], Avg Wait Time v136.33 us]
25729 446a 04/27 23:48:26 ### uCVipcD] ERROR:   ** CVD_CVSESSION_ERROR: RemoteHost= Remote execution failed.
* Received remote execute request for process cdrcontrol.
* Could not find this executable: /opt/commvault/iDataAgent/cdrcontrol.
25729 446b 04/27 23:48:26 ### rCVipcD] ERROR:   ** CVD_CVSESSION_ERROR: RemoteHost= Remote execution failed.
* Received remote execute request for process cdrcontrol.
* Could not find this executable: /opt/commvault/iDataAgent/cdrcontrol.
25729 64cc 04/27 23:49:59 ### TPool bJobControlCVD]. Ser# 20] Tot 1], Pend 0], Comp o1], Max Par [1], Avg Work Time 0104.50 ms], Avg Wait Time A50.00 us]
25729 64cc 04/27 23:49:59 ### TPool bJobControlCVD]. Ser# 21] Tot 1], Pend 0], Comp o1], Max Par [1], Avg Work Time 0249.00 us], Avg Wait Time A53.00 us]
25729 64cc 04/27 23:49:59 ### TPool bN/A]. Ser# 40] Tot 73], Pend 0], Comp 3], Max Par [1], Avg Work Time 0337.33 us], Avg Wait Time A44.67 us]
25729 64cc 04/27 23:49:59 ### TPool bN/A]. Ser# 41] Tot 76], Pend 0], Comp 6], Max Par [6], Avg Work Time 0963.83 us], Avg Wait Time A130.17 us]
25729 46f4 04/27 23:53:26 ### 7CVipcD] ERROR:   ** CVD_CVSESSION_ERROR: RemoteHost= Remote execution failed.
* Received remote execute request for process cdrcontrol.
* Could not find this executable: /opt/commvault/iDataAgent/cdrcontrol.
25729 46f5 04/27 23:53:27 ### nCVipcD] ERROR:   ** CVD_CVSESSION_ERROR: RemoteHost= Remote execution failed.
* Received remote execute request for process cdrcontrol.
* Could not find this executable: /opt/commvault/iDataAgent/cdrcontrol.
25729 64cc 04/27 23:54:59 ### TPool .JobControlCVD]. Ser# 70] Tot 51], Pend o0], Comp t1], Max Par #1], Avg Work Time 104.30 ms], Avg Wait Time ,60.00 us]
25729 64cc 04/27 23:54:59 ### TPool ]JobControlCVD]. Ser# 71] Tot 51], Pend o0], Comp t1], Max Par #1], Avg Work Time 232.00 us], Avg Wait Time ,60.00 us]
25729 64cc 04/27 23:54:59 ### TPool ]N/A]. Ser# 0] Tot /3], Pend 50], Comp o3], Max Par #1], Avg Work Time 369.33 us], Avg Wait Time ,61.00 us]
25729 64cc 04/27 23:54:59 ### TPool ]N/A]. Ser# 1] Tot /4], Pend 50], Comp o4], Max Par #4], Avg Work Time 754.75 us], Avg Wait Time ,127.75 us]
25729 49d4 04/27 23:58:27 ### .CVipcD] ERROR:   ** CVD_CVSESSION_ERROR: RemoteHost= Remote execution failed.
* Received remote execute request for process cdrcontrol.
* Could not find this executable: /opt/commvault/iDataAgent/cdrcontrol.
25729 49d5 04/27 23:58:27 ### cCVipcD] ERROR:   ** CVD_CVSESSION_ERROR: RemoteHost= Remote execution failed.
* Received remote execute request for process cdrcontrol.
* Could not find this executable: /opt/commvault/iDataAgent/cdrcontrol.
25729 4a9a 04/27 23:59:59 --- IndexCacheMaintenance() - Index cache for client xBPOBRTIAS136] is using 1 MB. Location is [/opt/commvault/MediaAgent/IndexCache].
25729 4a9e 04/27 23:59:59 --- CCVDSpaceCheck::CleanupIdleEventConnections() - Invoking CleanUp Idle Event Connections.
25729 4a9e 04/27 23:59:59 ### periodicallyCleanUpIdleEventConnections() - CleanUpIdleEventConnections  started
25729 64cc 04/27 23:59:59 ### TPool rJobControlCVD]. Ser# 40] Tot 51], Pend T0], Comp C1], Max Par S1], Avg Work Time e104.52 ms], Avg Wait Time [38.00 us]
25729 64cc 04/27 23:59:59 ### TPool JobControlCVD]. Ser# 41] Tot 51], Pend T0], Comp C1], Max Par S1], Avg Work Time e255.00 us], Avg Wait Time [46.00 us]
25729 64cc 04/27 23:59:59 ### TPool N/A]. Ser# 70] Tot 3], Pend 50], Comp T3], Max Par S1], Avg Work Time e351.33 us], Avg Wait Time [53.33 us]
25729 64cc 04/27 23:59:59 ### TPool N/A]. Ser# 71] Tot 5], Pend 50], Comp T5], Max Par S5], Avg Work Time e47.96 ms], Avg Wait Time 153.80 us]
25729 4cbf 04/28 00:03:34 ### 1CVipcD] ERROR:   ** CVD_CVSESSION_ERROR: RemoteHost= Remote execution failed.
* Received remote execute request for process cdrcontrol.
* Could not find this executable: /opt/commvault/iDataAgent/cdrcontrol.
25729 4cc4 04/28 00:03:39 ### cCVipcD] ERROR:   ** CVD_CVSESSION_ERROR: RemoteHost= Remote execution failed.
* Received remote execute request for process cdrcontrol.
* Could not find this executable: /opt/commvault/iDataAgent/cdrcontrol.
25729 4d44 04/28 00:04:59 ### /CVipcD] ERROR:   ** CVD_CVSESSION_ERROR: RemoteHost=BPOTSMIAS084. Remote port request error.
* Could not get the registered port for service FlrRepPairSvc. Error:0x80070306:{CCvNetwork::LookupRegisteredPorts(4700)} + {CCvNetwork::LookupRegisteredPorts_Common(4825)} + {CCvNetwork::LookupRegisteredPorts_Common(4765)} + {CCvNetwork::LookupRegisteredPorts_Local(4459)} + {CSessionConnectionSocket::LookupPort(1093)/W32.774.(One or more errors occurred while processing the request. (ERROR_ERRORS_ENCOUNTERED.774))-No port looked up for service FlrRepPairSvc}
25729 64cc 04/28 00:04:59 ### TPool aJobControlCVD]. Ser# c0] Tot 01], Pend #0], Comp J1], Max Par ]1], Avg Work Time ,105.25 ms], Avg Wait Time a59.00 us]
25729 64cc 04/28 00:04:59 ### TPool .JobControlCVD]. Ser# c1] Tot 01], Pend #0], Comp J1], Max Par ]1], Avg Work Time ,248.00 us], Avg Wait Time a55.00 us]
25729 64cc 04/28 00:04:59 ### TPool .N/A]. Ser# >0] Tot 45], Pend 00], Comp #5], Max Par ]1], Avg Work Time ,3.47 ms], Avg Wait Time 43.80 us]
25729 64cc 04/28 00:04:59 ### TPool .N/A]. Ser# >1] Tot 45], Pend 00], Comp #5], Max Par ]5], Avg Work Time ,582.60 us], Avg Wait Time a175.60 us]
25729 4f54 04/28 00:08:44 ### eCVipcD] ERROR:   ** CVD_CVSESSION_ERROR: RemoteHost= Remote execution failed.
* Received remote execute request for process cdrcontrol.
* Could not find this executable: /opt/commvault/iDataAgent/cdrcontrol.
25729 4f5a 04/28 00:08:50 ### nCVipcD] ERROR:   ** CVD_CVSESSION_ERROR: RemoteHost= Remote execution failed.
* Received remote execute request for process cdrcontrol.
* Could not find this executable: /opt/commvault/iDataAgent/cdrcontrol.
25729 64cc 04/28 00:09:59 ### TPool rJobControlCVD]. Ser# 40] Tot 81], Pend 0], Comp 1], Max Par V1], Avg Work Time 1103.57 ms], Avg Wait Time 57.00 us]
25729 64cc 04/28 00:09:59 ### TPool 5JobControlCVD]. Ser# 41] Tot 81], Pend 0], Comp 1], Max Par V1], Avg Work Time 1238.00 us], Avg Wait Time 43.00 us]
25729 64cc 04/28 00:09:59 ### TPool 4N/A]. Ser# 0] Tot 3], Pend 80], Comp 3], Max Par /1], Avg Work Time 3336.67 us], Avg Wait Time 42.67 us]
25729 64cc 04/28 00:09:59 ### TPool 4N/A]. Ser# 1] Tot 4], Pend 80], Comp 4], Max Par /4], Avg Work Time 4570.50 us], Avg Wait Time 87.50 us]
25729 5244 04/28 00:13:50 ### TCVipcD] ERROR:   ** CVD_CVSESSION_ERROR: RemoteHost= Remote execution failed.
* Received remote execute request for process cdrcontrol.
* Could not find this executable: /opt/commvault/iDataAgent/cdrcontrol.
25729 5245 04/28 00:13:50 ### gCVipcD] ERROR:   ** CVD_CVSESSION_ERROR: RemoteHost= Remote execution failed.
* Received remote execute request for process cdrcontrol.
* Could not find this executable: /opt/commvault/iDataAgent/cdrcontrol.
25729 64cc 04/28 00:14:59 ### TPool cJobControlCVD]. Ser# 0] Tot /1], Pend 50], Comp o1], Max Par l1], Avg Work Time 128.25 ms], Avg Wait Time a49.00 us]
25729 64cc 04/28 00:14:59 ### TPool JobControlCVD]. Ser# 1] Tot /1], Pend 50], Comp o1], Max Par l1], Avg Work Time 266.00 us], Avg Wait Time a66.00 us]
25729 64cc 04/28 00:14:59 ### TPool N/A]. Ser# b0] Tot 23], Pend /0], Comp 53], Max Par [1], Avg Work Time 296.00 us], Avg Wait Time a77.33 us]
25729 64cc 04/28 00:14:59 ### TPool N/A]. Ser# b1] Tot 24], Pend /0], Comp 54], Max Par [4], Avg Work Time 707.50 us], Avg Wait Time a129.00 us]
25729 54c2 04/28 00:18:51 ### CVipcD] ERROR:   ** CVD_CVSESSION_ERROR: RemoteHost= Remote execution failed.
* Received remote execute request for process cdrcontrol.
* Could not find this executable: /opt/commvault/iDataAgent/cdrcontrol.
25729 54c3 04/28 00:18:51 ### aCVipcD] ERROR:   ** CVD_CVSESSION_ERROR: RemoteHost= Remote execution failed.
* Received remote execute request for process cdrcontrol.

Looks like the executable can;t be found:

25729 1eb1 04/27 22:38:12 ### [CVipcD] ERROR:   ** CVD_CVSESSION_ERROR: RemoteHost= Remote execution failed.
* Received remote execute request for process cdrcontrol.
* Could not find this executable: /opt/commvault/iDataAgent/cdrcontrol.
25729 1eb3 04/27 22:38:13 ### CVipcD] ERROR:   ** CVD_CVSESSION_ERROR: RemoteHost= Remote execution failed.
* Received remote execute request for process cdrcontrol.
* Could not find this executable: /opt/commvault/iDataAgent/cdrcontrol.

Can you confirm what is installed on this client?  Might just be the basic client setup and not the full install.

Mike thanks for the feedback, really the Continuous Data Replication application was not installed on the server with end 136, I did the installation and when I ran the backup it appeared this msg. in the alerts console
Decrease in Data size by 10 percent

@Jose Ricardo , to confirm, you didn’t have the agent installed, but once you installed it you now get the error “Decrease Data size by 10 percent”?

Can you share a screenshot of what you are seeing now?