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for about a week we have a problem with our O365 Exchange backup. It runs instead of about 4 Minutes without error now over 3 hours with errors.

We get the following error messages:

Failed to process mailbox [Mailbox does not exist]
Failed to process mailbox [Too many concurrent connections opened, Cannot open mailbox. Server = BEZP281M…...]

According to the joblog will be Exchange only setup detected with no public folder association.
The Access-Node is a Windows Server 2019 with PowerShell 5.1
use modern authentication is enabled
5 Azure Apps configured
10 max streams configured
Commvault Version 11.28.80

Does anyone have any idea how i can solve the problem?


Hi Franz

from the failure reason it seems to be due to impact of throttling 
please try the steps in kb article and monitor if it helps backup failed usermailbox/groupmailbox

Best Regards
Sujay kumar

HI Sujay,

unfortunately, this has not brought any improvement.

Best Regards


Could we possible have a problem here?


I think this may be your issue -

Looks like the only change you will need is to set the additional setting to force use of powershell v3 (5.1)

I have set the Registry Key and restarted the server. Unfortunately I still get the same errors.



Status Update:

We have opened a Ticket:

“ This looks like an ongoing issue from MSFT end where Group Mailboxes are causing issue for many customers and delaying the overall job. We are investigating the issue and MS ticket is also open regarding group mailbox issue. “


Is still in progress:
