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Oracle Archive log backup question for the experts..


Is there a difference between enabling the Delete Archive log option in the subclient versus 


enabling it in the schedule policy? Do I need to enable both or if I am using a schedule policy I can


enable it there and it will also do the job.


Thanks for any advice provided

Hi @mach123 

Enabling archive delete on sub-client will delete the logs immediately after the logs are backed up.


Enabling archive delete on schedule policy level has additional options like you delete logs older than X  day or delete log b log seq number etc.


Documentation →


Let us know in case of any other questions.



Gowri Shankar

ok. confirming from you.  you dont need to enable both.   you can enable in one and it will still delete the archive log. Is this correct?

It can stay enabled on both. The option specified on the scheduler overrules the  subclient setting.


