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Hello, Team

I have this client with these issues.


1. They backup currently on an Oracle DR server (the production database replicates to to the DR(They don't use production because of performance issue))and they are having this resync issue.. below is the error: 

Error Code: d18:183] Description: Failed with Oracle DB/RMAN error rRMAN-03002: failure of allocate command at 04/27/2022 07:16:05 RMAN-03014: implicit resync of recovery catalog failed RMAN-03009: failure of partial resync command on default channel at 04/27/2022 07:16:05 ORA-20110: set stamp set count conflict ]

2. When they do a restore of an oracle database, on the Database end, it requests for an archive logs of 5 years ago. 


What could be the cause of these problems? I am writing a report to them and these are the only 2 issues I have not been able to fathom.

Hi @Mubaraq ,


For the catalog resync issue please refer Oracle documentation Doc ID 2453569.1


For the question 2, could you provide the complete RMAN log from the restore for review



Gowri Shankar

Hi, @Gowri Shankar 


I have requested for the log on the next restore.


Will upload once i get it

@Mubaraq , were you able to get the log as @Gowri Shankar suggested?
