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Hi team 

The password specifoed during the deploy phase of the VMWare Image of Commvault Software with 11.26  doesn´t work afther the VM has been turned on. The  environment meets the system requirements for using the Commvault Open Virtualization Appliance (OVA) for VMware and  the password lengt requirements, I have also probve with “commvault” as the password as I heve read in anoterjh topis, I attach the screen captures , Can you provide me any help or suggestions,. Thanks´s in advance 




Hi Team 


The issue  it´s solved  ,



Glad to hear it!

Can you share the fix?


I think he found out that he has to use username commvault

Hey guys also running into this issue,what was the work around / fix.


username: commvault

password: ???



username: adminstrator

password:  ???



Hi team 


The problem was related to the  the default keyboard language of the VM did not match the one of my system, and the location in the keyboard map of the symbol “*” it was my mistake because i didn´t use the “eye check”, not that of the OVF


Thank´s a lot for your reply

we also “figured it out”..  password used was not complex, once we used the required Upper/lower/number/ special character and minimum password length, it worked as described in our documentation. 



That’s 2 fixes for posterity!

Im currently running into this issue as well.  I have redeployed this thing 3 times, and thats 90min I will never get back.  Why in the world wouldnt you just make it a default password that works, instead of someone having to put one in that doesnt work.  Even if you put in a password that doesnt meet the criteria there is no checking mechanism to verify it.  What is the workaround here? The hostname in the VM still says its MasterVM.



Thank you,

I have solved my issue, but it took me having to download the 11.24 OVA to figure out what is going on.  In 11.24 for the HOSTNAME it asked what you want it to be.  In the 11.24 OVA deployment it actually gave some sort of direction of what it was looking for.  In 11.26, it does not really describe what it wants, so I assumed it wanted a FQDN.  This is why my deployment kept failing without any indication of what was wrong.

Thanks for sharing @xusarmy .  It’s a happy coincidence that 3 people had issues and were able to share their solutions in such quick succession!

Well I hope development is watching. If multiple customers run into the same or similar issues than I think it's time to have a look if the current implementation can be improved. 

I have a problem with the server after downloading it CV_CS_VMWare_11-28.ova What is the password for the administrator button?
