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Hi All,

During the PostgreSQL backup the C: drive is filling up to 100%. The database itself has about 400 GB on 😨 drive.

The disk space used on C: is 34 GB when no backups are running. But 150 GB (whole disk) is used during backups.

I need to prevent the C: drive from getting full during the backup.

What fills up the C: drive?

Is it possible to redirect it to another drive/folder?

Any other ideas?

Thank you,


My first guess is the Commvault Job Results folder.

Here is the change location instruction:

Hi Lubos,

  1. Please check if the same pg_dump command consumes so much C:\ space when performed outside of Commvault. You will get the command from PostGresBackup.log
  2. If you see -Fc in the command , it is performing a compressed dump, which is not enabled by default. Default format is tar (-Ft). Compressed dump is enabled with registry key sPGCompDump set on client. Staging is must for this type of dump and default staging path is job results directory. To change staging path, sPGStagingDir can be used.



Hi @Meera,

The backup was using C:\Windows\Temp\ as a staging directory and I have found -Ft in the PostGresBackup.log.

I have set the parameters sPGCompDump and sPGStagingDir and started a backup.

The backup is now using new staging location but it seems to run slower than before (with -Ft). I’ll check on Monday and get back.




Hi Lubos,

For tar dump(-Ft) we do not stage data. It should be postgres behavior, which can be confirmed by doing a manual tar dump with pg_dump utility.




Setting  sPGCompDump and sPGStagingDir  did not solve the issue as the backup became much slower.

Finally we increased the size of the C: drive.

Hi Lubos,

What is the postgres version?




Hi @Meera,

The postgres version is 12.



