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Hello everyone,

As per,


1. How many maximum Proxy servers’ power can be managed using 1 Cloud controller(2CPU, 2GB RAM)? (Minimum shall be 1, would like to know the Maximum)

2. Is the contributor role required for the Cloud controller or Proxy servers or the client servers? Since the cloud controller is the one who would be managing the power status of other servers, it should be for the Cloud Controller and not some other servers. Please clarify.


Grateful for any insights



Hello @Sukanksha 

I do not believe there is a limit of how many Proxy Servers can be controlled with 1 Cloud Controller. The Cloud Controller simply passes power on\off commands to the Cloud MediaAgent.

The Contributor Role is assigned to the Cloud Controller.

Requirements for the Cloud Controller (see below) -
When you create the virtual client to act as the Cloud Controller, do the following:

  • For Azure, configure an Azure application ID that is assigned to the Contributor role during the virtual client creation. Also, create a Cloud Controller that is within the same subscription as the cloud MediaAgent.

I hope this clarifies things.


Thank you,


Hi Collin,

Thanks for taking your time out to review the query! That helps.


